!! Taylor's Staying in Phoenix, NasCar here I CoMe!!! - 31
Phoenix - Escorts
Taylor's Leaving for 10 days. From Oct.5 - Oct.15. So See ya Soon!!! - 31
*¡* Pssst...*¡* End your WEEK with a SMILE, TayLor is Going to Show you just How *¡* - 32
*¡* Pssst...*¡* StArT your WEEK with a SMILE, TayLor is Going to Show you just How *¡* - 32
*¡* Pssst...*¡* EnD your DaiLy Grind with a SMILE! *¡* Will you come PlaY with me?*¡* - 32
*¡* Pssst...*¡* EnD your DaiLy Grind with a SMILE! *¡*I'm BaCk FrOm VeGaS*¡* - 32
# New PICS!*** TaYloR's New pics, REaDy To PLAY!!! Highly Reviewed! - 31
MiNNeaPoLiS Here I Am!!! CaN YoU HanDLe Me?? TaYLoR hAs Arrived and is SO Ready To PLay!!!!
*** FleSh * MaNaGeMeNt : * 101, WiTh YoUr PeRsOnAL Professor, TAyLoR - 31
Incall Qk, ToDaY OnLy ** WhEn YoU WaNt SoMeThiNG A LiTTLe BeTTeR. . . LeaVinG SuNDaY - 31
!! I SeeM tO hAvE missPlaced my ..... Toys! 1 hour special today! new pic! - 32
!! I SeeM tO hAvE missPlaced my ..... Toys! new pic! - 32
GoT TaYLoR? WhEn YoU WaNt SoMeThiNG A LiTTLe BeTTeR. . . - 31
!!! *** AnYoNe WannA CuM PLaY ???*** - 31
*BOOM ^%* PoW* % *TayLoR *Oh!* WoW *~*,* CaN U HaNdLe iT? - 31
*BOOM^%*PoW*% *StaRs + StriPes* 2 hott * Ladies* for* all* your * DeLighTs* - 31
#1 * * * GoT TaYLoR * * * WaNt SoMe ? ? New PICS! - 31