Mon 27 Jan
Hot!! Stunning!! Saisfyingly Sweet!! What More can you Ask 4? - 39
(West Valley, 51st ave North Olive)
■■🍓🍓■■■🍓Grand Opening■■■❋╠╣║❋ WEET,YOUNG,ASIAN= CALL NOW ❋❋❋♦️♠️ 623-842-8046■■■🍓 - 24
(6608 W olive ave,Glendale,Az 85302, Phoenix, West Valley)
■■■🍓🍓■■■🍓Grand Opening■■■❋╠╣║❋ WEET,YOUNG,ASIAN= CALL NOW ❋❋❋♦️♠️ 623-842-8046■■■🍓 - 24
(6608 W olive ave,Glendale,Az 85302, Phoenix, West Valley)
%%%%CuTe..... FaCe,,, ThICk ThiGhS,,,, CoKe BottLe ShApE,,,,, & BetTeR ThaN ThE rESt%%%%% - 21
(West Valley, 59Th ave olive)
Sun 12 Jan
The Radiant, Exquisite, Eye Catch Goddess is Ready to Serve You!! - 39
(West Valley, Between Olive and Peoria off 51st Ave)
Babe Got Back!! Let Your Anaconda Try These Buns!! - 39
(West Valley, Between Olive and Peoria off 51st Ave)
🌺🌺🌺★ GRAND OPENING★🌺🌺🌺 New Asian Massage In Town - 22
(6608 W olive ave,Glendale,Az 85302, Phoenix, West Valley)
Sat 11 Jan
The Royal Court Announces Queen Ivy!! Worthy Kings Step Forward!! - 38
(West Valley, North of Olive and 51st ave)
Fri 10 Jan
Hot&Sexy;, Very Gifted & Experienced!! Upscale Companion..And very good... !!! - SPECIAL - 45 - 45
(West Valley, 63 Ave And W. Olive Ave. Glendale)
Body Rubs by Hot Couple ~4rced -Bi Scenes~or~ Erotic 1 on 1 Encounters~ - 36
(West Valley, 83rd ave and Olive)
~*~* iTs ThE SeAsON ~*~ Of gIvINg ~*~ & mZ MAsErAti LoooooovEs 2 give ;) ~*~ - 21
(West Valley, 59th ave olive)
Thu 09 Jan
INCALL ♥♥♥♥ 80hhr . TILL FRIDAY.... Clean, Safe, Secure (Priv. hm) ♥♥♥♥ NO TEXTING. - 26
(West Valley, (Pri Loc) 51st ave olive. UpScale hm.)
O N L Y * A V A I L A B L E * 2 DAY * P L A T N U M * B A R B I E - 28
(West Valley, 51 AVE AND OLIVE)
Wed 08 Jan
Babe Got Back!! Ur Anaconda Don't Want None Unless She Got ......!! - 39
(West Valley, Between Olive and Peoria off 51st Ave)
Hey Guys I'm Leave State Get Your Ivy Fix!! - 39
(West Valley, Between Olive and Peoria off 51st Ave)
New and exclusive coming from El Paso, TX, My name is Anesa and I'm ready to please. - 23
(West Valley, Glendale AZ, 59 AVE & Olive)
*~*~ CoMe watch This ThiCk BroWn SkinnEd Vixen make it jump,clap & bounce I HaVe What U NeeD *~** - 21
(West Valley, 59Th ave olive)
SeXy ThICk EroTiC ViXeN ★InCreDiBle LiPs ★ KiLLeR CuRvEs ★PeRfEcT BoOTy ★UnFoRgeTTaBLe PLeaSuRe ★ - 41
(51st ave and olive, Phoenix, West Valley)
Tue 07 Jan
Worthy Kings Step Forward!! Queen Ivy Will See You Now!! - 38
(West Valley, North of Olive and 51st ave)
White Chick with a WHOLE Lot of Apple Bottom!! ;-) - 40
(North of Olive and 51st ave, Phoenix, West Valley)
Sunday Special!! Stress relief before the work week starts!¡!¡ :-) - 38
(West Valley, 51st ave & Olive)
Babe Got Back!! Ur Anaconda Don't Want None Unless She Got ......!! - 39
(West Valley, Between Olive and Peoria off 51st Ave)
* * S E X Y * * S E D U C T I V E # # I N T I S I N G $ $ B E A U T I F U L - 51
(West Valley, 101 Olive 95th Ave.)
Mon 06 Jan
⬛️🌅⬛️🌅8🍎 Grand Opening🍎⬛️🌅⬛️🌸 SWEET,YOUNG,ASIAN 🌸🍎🌸🍎 MAKE YOU BEST FEEL 🌸⬛️⬛️🌸 CALL NOW - 23
(6608 W Olive Ave,Glendale, AZ 85302, Phoenix, West Valley)
Sun 05 Jan
LaST DaY n ToWn WiTh ~*~* CuRvY buBBled BoOtY~*~$eX KitTeN ~*~ HERE TILL 4PM - 21
(West Valley, 59th ave olive)
Wait till you get a tast of me... My lucious lips will deg get your day going right!! 22 - 22
(West Valley, Olive and 59th ave in/out)
Hot&Sexy;, Very Gifted & Experienced!! Upscale Companion..And very good... !!! - NEW PHOTOS!!! - 45
(West Valley, 63 Ave And W. Olive Ave. Glendale)
Sat 04 Jan
!!!SeXy bRoWn sKin BabE sOFT SupPle BrEast Nice rOund aPPle Bottom !!! - 21
(West Valley, 59Th ave olive)
■■■🍓🍓■■■🍓Grand Opening■■■❋╠╣║❋ WEET,YOUNG,ASIAN= CALL NOW ❋❋❋♦️♠️ 623-842-8046■■■🍓 - 24
(6608 W olive ave,Glendale,Az 85302, Phoenix, West Valley)
* * S E X Y * D E L I G H T F U L * T E N D E R * LACY* $ * $ * - 52
(West Valley, 101 Olive 95th ave)
~*~* LeT Mz MaSeRAti ~*~ DeCk YoUr HaLLz ~*~ WiTh My aMazInG Talents ~*~ - 21
(West Valley, 59th ave olive)
Fri 03 Jan