Mon 27 Jan
LusC!OuS ToP CHoiCE♛Incalls ❤ Outcalls Special's ((Big BoOty)) - 22
(Phx North, VIP incall 19 ave & Dunlap/ Outcall)
((CuTiE w/ BOOTY )) * (FuN & SeXy) BomBsHeLL SpEciaL Incall 55 Outcall 80 - 22
(Phx North, 19 AVE Dunlap safe residents*Outcall)
Mon 13 Jan
JUiCY BoOTY ╚» ♥AvAliaBle NoW* (5 ☆SeRv!Ce) MiXeD* ♥╚» Special 55 - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
Sun 12 Jan
READY TO RIDE NOW!! ** Horny Hot Brunette! ** Sweet and Sexy!! * INCALL AVAILABLE - 26
(Phx North, metro area- Dunlap and 25th ave)
TOP NoTCH PrOviDeR •★ *Upscale ♥ HuGe BooTy 100% Real MixeD Special's - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave Dunlap safe residents*Outcalls)
★tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ *Upscale HoT N SeXY I/c special 55 Mixed Bombshell - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap safe residents*O/c 80)
Sat 11 Jan
**♥** BOOTY LOVERS #1 CHOICE!! **♥** SeXy CuRvY EbOnY ViXeN!! 60Spcls!! - 23
(Phx North, off 19th ave & dunlap)
***❤SEDUCTIVE && SWEET❤ MS. CreaM ❤ BeAutiFuL BoDY So Dont MiSS Out!*** - 20
(Phx North, DUNLAP AVE)
Fri 10 Jan
@@@@@@@ Privat Home 150hr White girl. UpScale. discreet @@@@@@@@ back for summer. im Crystal!!! - 22
(Phx North, 51st ave dunlap Pivate Home)
★BiG ol' PuMpKiN BoOtY ★ *••°° ★MIXED ★ Freaky Gurl★( - - ) Sp€cI@L's 40/ 60&80°°••(( last Night)){ - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
@@@Love oldermen. Daily Limited avalibility avalible now@ !!! no texting. very low volume - 22
(Phx North, 51st ave Dunlap private HOME SAFE)
Thu 09 Jan
★BiG ol' PuMpKiN BoOtY ★ *••°° ★MIXED ★ Freaky Friday★( - - ) Sp€cI@L's 60&80°°•• { - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
*♥* SeXY CuRVY EbONy BoMbShElL *♥* Booty Lovers #1 Choice!!! 60Spcls!! - 23
(Phx North, off 19th ave & dunlap)
💍💎Total Package-Young Sexy Blonde Loves to Party & do Fetishes - 24
(. Dunlap and 19th Ave Scottsdale, Phoenix, Phx North)
((WARM SLiPPERY)) EX0T!C __ M!XXED SUP3R FR3AK __ 70 $P 3 C ! @ L - 21
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap incall/out 24hrs open)
Wed 08 Jan
★BiG ol' PuMpKiN BoOtY ★ *••°° ★MIXED ★ Freaky Gurl★( - - ) Sp€cI@L's 60&80°°•• { - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
New Addiction ~•❀•~ *♥ Sexy Exotic :•❤•: ++ Special 60 ++ :•❤•: FUN MIXED HOTTIE ♥* ~•❀•~ - 21
(Phx North, Incall 19 ave & Dunlap/outcalls 100)
[✔] {{{COME PLAY}}} [✔] {{{WITH THE BEST}}} [✔] 40 fifteen mins - 21
(Phx North, Dunlap and 19th ave)
Tue 07 Jan
▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ ✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ - 80 special♡☆623☆980☆0892♤♡♢♧ - 21
(Phx North, 21st ave and dunlap)
((JUiCY BoOTY)) (5 ☆SeRv!Ce) GOrGeoUs*SeXy DoLl FAcE CuTiE ((SpEcIaLs)) TGIF.... - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave Dunlap *Incall*Outcall everywhere)
★Back in Town ★Sexy Asian playmate★ New Pictures added¡¡ ★ - 25
(Phx North, i-17 & Dunlap Ave In/outcall)
((CuTiE w/ BOOTY )) * (FuN & SeXy) BomBsHeLL SpEcIaLs I/c 55 O/c 80 - 22
(Phx North, 19 AVE Dunlap safe residents*Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
❤ SPECIALS! * 2 Girls- *SPECIALS! ❤ Incall Specials!! - 23
(Phx North, i/c Dunlap 19th ave, o/c Valleywide)
((WARM SLiPPERY)) EX0T!C __ M!XXED __ DoLl FaCe ((BiG BoOtY)) 60 Roses Incall Outcall100 - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
★SEXY★ MiXeD Big BOoTy★BombShell ★ EyE CaNdY((Special)) 55 kisses - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave& dunlap safe residents*O/c 100)
Sun 05 Jan
80 roses special+GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE! SEXY ,DD, blue eyes, brunette...BE SATISFIED . CALL ME.... - 25
(Phx North, DUNLAP AND 19TH AVE)
100 roses special + GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE! SEXY ,DD, blue eyes, brunette...BE SATISFIED . CALL ME.... - 25
(Phx North, DUNLAP AND 19TH AVE)
**♡** BoOtY LoVeRs #1 ChOiCe **♡** BeAuTiFuL CuRvy EbOnY BoMbShElL!! 60Spcls!! - 23
(Phx North, off 19th ave & dunlap)
▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ ✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ - ♡☆623☆980☆0892♤♡♢♧ - 21
(Phx North, 21st ave and dunlap)
Sat 04 Jan
~♡~ Sexy Curvy Ebony with a Round Soft Bubble Booty ~♡~ 60Spcls!! - 23
(Phx North, off 19th ave & dunlap)
L {✰} {✰} K > °★NeW PiCs HoT N SeXY I/c 55 O/c 75 - 22
(Phx North, 19 ave & Dunlap I/c & O/c 55/75)
Fri 03 Jan
@@@@ Private home UPSCALE Safe place @@@@ 100hhr Upscale back for summer. im Crystal!!! - 22
(Phx North, My home (: its PRIVATE. 51st ave dunlap)
Thu 02 Jan