Mon 27 Jan
💕.¸.· turned 43/ new pics . ·..¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* FLA† RA†£·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now - 43
(0U†CALL ❥—ic 48th st. univesity, Phoenix, Phx North)
💕.¸.· Petite .¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* blonde·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now OC only - 43
(: ❥ : O/C valley wide, East Valley, Phoenix)
petite, tiny, & down to earth woman AVAIL NOW --- IC/OC - 42
(East Valley, IC 202/40ST OC Valley Wide)
💕.¸.· Petite Blonde oc only..¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* FLA† RA†£·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now - 43
(East Valley, Phoenix, ❥ : O/C valley wide)
petite, tiny, & down to earth woman AVAIL NOW --- IC/OC - 42
(Phx North, 0UTCALL valley Wide IC mcdowell/202)
💕.¸.· Petite Blonde In/Out call·..¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* FLA† RA†£·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now - 43
(East Valley, Phoenix, ❥ : O/C valley wide in tempe/ mesa)
♥♥Petite Blonde Available in ALL OF Phoenix} out call & IN call avail - 44
(OC valley wide IC yorkshire & the 17, Phoenix, West Valley)
Hot Sexy Fun Couple Share Double Pleasure Excitement With You - 45
(Downtown Phx. or West Valley in-call)
***Hot* Light * Skinned * BRAZILIAN * BOMBSHELL * Up * And * Ready * To * Play*** - 20
(Eastvalley I/C!! valleywide O/C!!)
50$/60$/80$ 💦💧🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷ⓣⓗⓐⓝ EvER °• ¥ÕU wÕn† F¡nD Ân¥†h¡Ng B€††€R 50$/60$/80$ incall Only! - 23
(Phx North, Glendale/Tempe/Tolleson/Litchfield)
120..specials in call! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call specials)
Smoking hot🍒🍓Blonde N Town🍒🍓Best Body Treatment 🍒🍓Come relax with me🍒🍓 - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale incall/out call valley wide)
Sun 12 Jan
A Slow and Sensual Tuesday Delight Imagine Having Some Fun With This Hot HoneyBun - 37
Sat 11 Jan
**** The Original Good Time Girl! ***** Available Now & All Night! ***** NEW PICS! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call)
That Is Correct, Get MORE! Than You Expect! %100 Satisfaction Guarenteed !! - 41
(Scottsdale Rd & Mcdowell Rd)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- BLONDE KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 29
(Near I-10 & Loop 101 West)
%$#@ Recent & REAL Pictures ... %$#@ Im Everything U Want & NEED! - 29
(East Valley, Mesa/valleywide)
💕.¸.· Petite Blonde oc only .¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* FLA† RA†£·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now - 43
(East Valley, Phoenix, ❥ : O/C valley wide)
❥ NOW N PHX - Petite, Tiny & Down to earth woman available now! ❥ - 43
(East Valley, OC valley wide IC N phx, Phoenix)
👀👅look no further👅👀your chocolate duo is here and ready to play - 21
(out call valley wide, Phoenix, West Valley)
❥ Just turned 43 . New Pics & Incall Location. Petite, Tiny & Down to earth woman available now! ❥ - 43
(East Valley, OC valley wide IC university & 48th st, Phoenix)
Gentℓεmεn's Cho¡cε ]} —💎BlonDe [√¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε ]—😍💎— [ NEW !★ √¡xεn ]—😍💎—[H¡ghℓy Rε√¡εωεd ] - 21
(East Valley, Phoenix Out call Valley wide ♥)
~~** Your Special Treat Red Headed Delight **~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix,scottsdale,tempe,mesa,valleywide)
Two Beautiful Girls - Pick One orTwo - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, In Call Mesa / Out Call Valley Wide)
**** The Original Good Time Girl! ***** Let's Have Fun Tonight! ***** - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call)
*** BOMBSHELL ** SUGAR * BABY *** BRUNETTE *** ONE * OF * A * KIND *** - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix Valley Wide Out Call)
Fri 10 Jan
*******Available all day everyday, just call******** incoming / outgoing valley wide - 28
(Phoenix, valley wide)
InSatIaBle ApPeAl, stuNnInGly BeAuTiFUl , 100% ReAl, nEvEr FaKe, SaTiSfyInG ExPeRiEnce guarenteed - 33
(East Valley, Out CaLL vAllEy wIDe, Phoenix)
petite, tiny, & down to earth woman AVAIL. ----> NEW NUMBER!
(Phx North, 0UTCALL valley Wide IC north phoenix)
petite, tiny, & down to earth woman AVAIL NOW --- IC/OC - 42
(East Valley, Oc valley wide Ic 202/40st)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- BLONDE KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 29
HIGHLY Reviewed 🏆 Thick & Sexy 👸🏾 Indian Queen! Specials 🌀 Available 24/7 - 26
Thu 09 Jan
ღTop of the line, young lil hottie with a bit of a wild side;) Clean, Safe, & reliable.Ready 4 ya ღ - 22
(Phx North, ೋ* ou†cαℓℓ:vαℓℓεy widε ೋ*)
Still pretty new and waiting for you! :)) BloNde BOMBSHELL! (New number) - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call only)
❥ic/ oc! Petite, Tiny blonde Now in the Norh valley! ❥ - 43
(OC valley wide IC Yorkshite & the 101, Phoenix, Phx North)
___Are YOU Feeling Lonely ? Craving A Sexy Sensual Girl To FulFuLL All Your Desires? ___Here I Am__ - 26
(Out Call Valley Wide, Phoenix, Phx North)
petite sexy blonde OUT CALL ONLY available now - 42
(West Valley, O/C valley wide I/C McDowell and 83rd av)
**** The Original Good Time Girl! ***** Let's Have Some Fun Today! ***** - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call)
°°•★•°° SUPER BUSTY °°•★•°° °°•★•°° !!!SPECIALS!!! °°•★•°° °°•★•°° AVAILABLE NOW °°•★• °° - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEY WIDE OUT CALL)
~~~~~ Real Pic ~~~~~ ~#~#~#Asian Honey Seeking Some Erotic Fun Tonight.Are u ready - 22
(Phoenix, VALLEY WIDE OUT CALL ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Petite blonde AVAIL NOW ! I/C & O/C available tonight - 43
(East Valley, Phoenix, scottsdale rd & 202)
BUILT For CoMFoRT, NoT For SPEED If You Like My Pics Then You Will Love ME I,m BRINGING BACK - 37
(Phx North, Just Wait Untill You Get A Load Of Me...)
★ _________ B£OND GODDSS ________ ★ R@DY RIT NOW ★ !$! $99 !$! Body Rubs - 19
*Booty Work* ~ Look at Pics~ and call me for specials 75$-150$+ In/Out-Call Valley Wide - 21
(East Valley, Valley Wide-Tempe-Mesa-Phx)
♡□■Sensuality With Your Favorite Bunny Bentley□■♡ - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Out call Valley Wide, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
~*~ P_R_E_T_T_Y___ ~*~ __H_O_T__~*~ AND ~*~__ T_E_M_P_T_I_N_G !! ~*~__ B_R_A_Z_I_L_I _A_N __ !!~*~ - 20
(Eastvalley I/C!! valleywide O/C!!)
💕.¸.· turning 43/ new pics . ·..¸.tiny, & Down 2 earth ❥ *·.¸.·´¯* FLA† RA†£·.¸.·´¯*AVAiL.Now - 43
(0U†CALL ❥—ic 101 & Southern, Phoenix, Phx North)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- BLONDE KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 30
✖- ╳ -✖- 💜💕💜 S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 B l O n D e 💕 P l A y M a T e 💜💕💜 - ✖ - ╳ - ✖*** - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, central/north Phoenix)
♥ NEW ♥ ♥ BLONDE college Playmate ♥♥ GORGEOUS Face ♥ ♥ AMAZING Skills - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, valley wide out call only)
Brand new in Town!! Must see!! In/Out Specials Till 6 A.M. (602) 518-2688 - 18
(Central Phoenix and surrounding)
*·.¸.·´¯* ★ blonde, petiTe, sexy body w/ a great personality) ★ *·.¸.·´¯* - 39
(Central/South Phoenix, ♥0/C VALLEY WiDE)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy.... With Curves In All The Right Place's... Special New Client Rate!!! - 30
(Downtown/ Central Phoenix)
❥ic/ oc! Petite, Tiny & Down to earth woman available now! ❥ - 43
(OC valley wide 91st ave ,& I 10 I/C, Phoenix, Phx North)
☆☆☆☆☆ *[FLiGHT]*✈ 💋{TOO} 💋🌴☀ *[PARADiSE]* ☀🌴 BOARDiNG NOW ✨CALL📲 NOW✨ - 21
SeXY, HoT Asian Beauty V®Y V®Y , pretty - 23
(Valley Wide OUT CALL ONLY)
Petite Blonde..200 out call valley wide sexy and sweet - 39
(Central/South Phoenix, ♥0/C VALLEY WiDE I/C I-17 & bethany home)
Available NOW ~*~ Reliable, Mature, Petite blonde W/ a rockin' body!_____ - 39
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C- Valley Wide/I/C- I-17)
Tue 07 Jan
ღTop of the line, young lil hottie with a bit of a wild side;) Clean, Safe, & reliable.Ready 4 ya ღ
(Phx North, ೋ* ou†cαℓℓ:vαℓℓεywidε ೋ ic: n phx*)
Three Beautiful Girls - Pick One, Two or Three - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, In Call Mesa / Out Call Valley Wide)