Mon 27 Jan
DONT U wish your GIRLFRIEND WAS a FreAK Like ME ??? xXx....xXx.... - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER blvd ))
×°x°× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST - - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
XxX_ ( B e A u T i F u L )_x X x_ ( B a D G i R L )~~80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
U L T I M A T E * LiL * Ebony * CrEaTiON ..xXx.. TiGHT ($60) WeTT ($60 ) TREAT ($60 )) AvAiLaBLe NoW - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER blvd ))
Tasty Little Piece Of Chocolate (4"11, 98lbs.) $100 specials! - incall - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, chandler blvd. I-10 exit)
specials.... !..The most Beautifulest thing in The WORLD.. !. ( black girl ) 100% .!. BRAND NEW PIC - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
specials.... !..The most Beautifulest thing in The WORLD.. !.. :) BLACK GIRL :) - 20
(Phoenix, Chandler / I-10 exit)
SPECiALS .. Perfect -LiL -THiNG -:-- EBONY Creation !!!! { Specials available } - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
Something Special...... (_ UNIQUE _ _ PEOPLE _ PLEASER _) !!!!.!! Available Now - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER blvd)
sexy blonde wants to play in the water * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls i-10 ray exit)
. *Mind . *BL0WiNG Ebony SPiNnER . * * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
(Lunch time)! 100$ specials - 4"11, 98lbs SEXXY play toy..(incall) available now! - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, chandler blvd. I-10 exit)
cum and spark up some fireworks in bed * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
cum and get freaky with a beautiful blonde * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off i-10 ray exit)
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
click here for top notch service " incall - 18
(East Valley, chandler incall off i-10 exit chandler)
60 _ 60 -{DeLiCious DD'z} .AvAiLaBLe NoW. [Your Freaky BBw ADDiction] .NeW PiCs. - 22
(i-10 Chandler blvd)
H A R D 2 FiNd PrOViDeR (; 5 FoOT [100lbs] -+- A B S O L U T E LY * PLEASiNg ( AvAiLABLe NoW ) - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
20 y.o. Petite Black girl ! 5'0ft. 100lbs. GORGEOUS Spinner.. xXx.. Porn Star!! available now!!!!! - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER blvd ))
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
cum get get freaky in the sheets with me tonight * * * * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
Sat 11 Jan
NeW. *LiL eBonY. * & * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall :) I-10 exit RAY rd)
ABoVe & BeYoND -:|:- YoUr ExXxPECTATIONS !60! [ DEFiNiTeLy PLeASiNG ] HeRe iS WHaT YoU NeEd !60! - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER)
xXx ... Can YOU mAKE Me crEAM ... ??.... Xxx .. eBoNy SUpReme !!!! - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
xXx ?? -C.U.M- over _ Get _OFF_ With _ Me { TiNy ^ CuTe ^ BLaCk ^ GiRL }- HeRe .2. PLEASE - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
aLL dAY $$$60 SpeCiaLs .... xXx.... SeXy LiL FiNe AsS FuC* ... xXx .... - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
specials.... !..The most Beautifulest thing in The WORLD.. !. ( black girl ) 100% .!. NEW PIC - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
NEW!! nEw! visiting BBW..nEw to BP - BEAUTiful DD's ( 70$ ) sPeCiAls- EBONY TREat !!! - 22
(CHANDLER-(I-10 exit chandler))
Tripple threat dominican...The Bomb Bright And Beautiful-> 80 dollar special - 18
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
. * Ebony SPiNnER . * * MaKiNG DReaMS {C*U*M} TRue *¨¨* - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
80... 80.... 80.... SeXy LiL Ass FuC* -+- P E R F E C T LiL THiNG T R U L Y ..80 ....80 ....80 - 20
(chandler. incall ( I-10 exit Ray Rd ))
GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} SPiNNeR (( 60 )) AvAiLabLe Now - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
Fri 10 Jan
xXx.. THE MOST Beautifullest Thing In The WORLD !!! ( Black Girl ) - New Pics... available now !!! - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER blvd)
60...60...UP THiS MORNiNG?? C.U.M -{ i'LL _GeT _YoU _OFF }- WeTT ^ LiL ^ TiGHT ^ BLaCk ^ GiRL...60 - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
xXx... I'M SO SMALL so Please take it EASY on ME !!! ( Tiny size Spinner )... xXx - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER blvd)
IM EVERYTHING :*¨¨*: :YOU WANT *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: PICK ME ::*¨¨*: - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
Freaky Wet Blonde Ready To Get Freaky Are You Ready 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
NEW (: NEW:)P E R F E C T _+_ LiL _+_ THiNG _+_ T R U L Y _+_ oNe _+_ Of _+_ A _+_ KiND - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall:) i-10 RAY road exit)
The most Beautifulest thing in The WORLD. .!!. :) BLACK GIRL :).! New pics.. - 20
(i-10 exit Chandler blvd / Ahwatukee)
xXx ... sPeCiAL ( BEauTIFUL BlAcK GIRL ..100%sat !!.... Xxx .. NEW PICS! nEw PiCs !!!! ( new pics. ) - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
naughty blonde ready to get wet * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off i-10 ray exit)
SLiM SeXy PeRFeCTiON [ DEFiNiTeLy PLeASiNG ] new pics }{ABoVe & BeYoNd | _U.R_ ExXxPeCTaTiONS - 20
(i-10 exit CHANDLER)
Thu 09 Jan
xXx ..come See! ( BEauTIFUL EBONY GIRL ..100%sat !!.... Xxx .. NEW PICS! nEw PiCs !!!! ( new pics. ) - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
xXx..... PeTITe blaCK SPinner ! seXXY TINY PROVider ! xXx..... come GET It ^^^
(CHANDLER (: INCALL :) i-10 exit Ray Rd)
UP THiS MORNiNG?? C.U.M -{ i'LL _GeT _YoU _OFF }- WeTT ^ LiL ^ TiGHT ^ BLaCk ^ GiRL - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
Busty .BBW. with BiG .O. BoOTy __ I'm ExXxACTLY .what. YoU NeED __ AvAiLaBLe NoW - 22
(i-10 exit chandler)
xXx........... CAN YOU MAKE me CrEaM ?? xXx......(: NeW giRL :) ViSiTiNG - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 EXIT Ray rd)
:¦:-° WeT, HoTT AnD SeXy ** SuPer SeNSuaL StUnnInG BlOnDe SnOw BuNNy -:¦:- 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
Wed 08 Jan
._. WHeN .OnLY .THe .BeST .WiLL .Do!! ._.!. Cute LiL Thing.!! ._.. I'm-Ready -4-You - 20
(Phoenix, Chandler / I-10 exit)
**$**$** JADORE FLAVORS the Sweet, Sexy, & Satisfying Dominican 100 special **$**$** - 18
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
DONT U wish your GIRLFRIEND WAS a FreAK Like ME ??? xXx....xXx.... - 20
(incall ( I-10 exit CHANDLER blvd ))
POCKET Size Ebony Beauty :):) YOUR SATIFACTION is available RIGHT here ;);) - 20
(Phoenix, Chandler / I-10 exit)
xXx.... ( 100$ ). HIT THIS FROM da BACK ! ...xXx ( 100$) special!!!!!!- (black girl ) - 20
(i-10 exit Chandler blvd)
this expert wants you tonight * * * multiple * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
Sweet Petite Ebony Hottie..!!!!.. U L T I M A T E__ LiL__ SeXy__ C R E A T I O N_* ... - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
ALwAYs SaTiSFyiNG - BEAUTiful DD's ( 60$ ) sPeCiAls- BBw TREat !!! - 22
(CHANDLER-(I-10 exit chandler))
POCKET Size Ebony Beauty :):) YOUR SATIFACTION is available RIGHT here ;);) - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
New !! new !! ProvIDER... 100$ 80$ -INCALL ( 150$ OUTCALL ) AVAIiable now... italian & german.. - 24
(INCALL- chandler (i-10)exit RAY rd)
Beautiful LiTTle Structure!!! ;) MiNd SatiSFacTion :) .. Well Reviewed.!!! - 20
(Chandler blvd exit i-10)
xXx ?? -C.U.M- over _ Get _OFF_ With _ Me { TiNy ^ CuTe ^ BLaCk ^ GiRL }- HeRe .2. PLEASE - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- &;- HOT -&;- SEXY -&;- READY* Bangin EBoNy PlayMate - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall :) I-10 exit RAY rd)
Tue 07 Jan
Real HaRD .2. FiNd ( SATiSFACTiON ) \ 5 \ Foot Provider ^$80 __ ALL YoUr's__ $80^ Sexy LiL Ebony - 20
(Incall I-10 EXIT CHANDLER .)
NEW in town ..Blonde and Busty wanting to play **IN/OUTCALL SPECIAL** - 20
(East Valley, off I-10 exit Chandler Blvd)
gorgeous blonde bombshell ready to nasty in the sheets * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
Every mans fantasy ...!... ( ebony girl) available now!!!!! % 100 % the best! - 20
(Chandler / I-10 exit)
GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} SPiNNeR (( 60 )) AvAiLabLe Now - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)