Mon 27 Jan
*Let MYA be your bodyrub Specialist* RicoMasajes* I'll be here until 6pm Monday - 35
(5044 w Peoria ave next to TOCI pizza, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Phx North, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley, Yuma)
Sexy, voluptuous lady with 38DDD's wants to give you an unforgettable experience! - 54
(Carefree Hwy and I-17, Phoenix, Phx North)
Looking for a NEW TOUCH ...NEW ladies Ruby or Perla ready to attend to you - 25
(5044 w peoria ave #2 n/e corner, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Prescott, West Valley)
Incall only. XX-Otic. Sexy, 💋Sensual, Full Body Rub & Body Glide - 40
(Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 12 Jan
~ Rainy day specials,70 roses ~ Prostate massage ~ Busty,curvy ~ - 37
(Phoenix, incall/Private/n.Phx)
Sat 11 Jan
++++++++++++ +++++++++++ SATISFYING ORIENTAL MASSAGE from BEAUTIFUL ASIANS +++++++++++++ +++++++++++ - 28
(Two North Scottsdale Locations)
Fri 10 Jan
~~~ VA VA VOM ~ Voluptuous MYA ~ THICK as HONEY~ open 8am~10pm SUNDAY~SAT - 35
(Phoenix, 51ST AVE-PEORIA North/East corner USAspa)
Peoria.Forget the rest try the BEST💋🙌 XX-Otic. Sensual. Full Body Rubs, - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, Peoria and North Phx., Phoenix)
💋Santa's little elf has a lot of free time on her hands! - 40
(North Phoenix/Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
MYA'S SEDUCTIVE TOUCH OOH LA LA ~~ the real deal not fake~only the best for you..... - 35
(Phoenix, PEORIA/51ST AVE......)
Incall Only..XX-Otic. Sexy, Sensual, Full Body Rub & Body Glide - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, Peoria and North Phx., Phoenix)
INTEMPE AREA TONIGHT for outcall only! Very Sexy, Sensual ,💋Full body rub, Body glide,🎇 - 40
(Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
MYA'S SEDUCTIVE TOUCH OOH LA LA ~the real deal no fake pictures~ - 35
(Phoenix, PEORIA/51ST AVE......)
**** Naughty brunette does full bodyrubs * Incall specials * Private incall only ***** - 37
(Phoenix, North east Phoenix)
Tue 07 Jan
XX-otic, Sensual, 💋 Sexxy, body rub👅. Peoria area - 40
(North Phoenix/Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
•*•*•* •*•*•* •*••*•••*. VERY Sexy 21 Spanish Brunette BOMbSHELL 💋••*•*•* •*••*•*•* •*••*•*•* •*• - 23
(Peoria deervalley surprise Suncity, Phoenix, Phx North)
You'll never be let down"... We will lift you up to your satisfaction ALWAYS! - 35
(5044 w Peoria 2 (623) 937-8814, Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
End of school year special $80 Sexxy, body rub👅. Peoria area - 40
(North Phoenix/Peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
OutCall Only..XX-Otic. Sexy, Sensual, Full Body Rub & Body Glide - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, Peoria and North Phx., Phoenix)
Fri 03 Jan
☺Cutie with a booty!!! Specials all day,$50,flat rate for new clients!!! - 29
(Phoenix, north Phoenix/ incall only)
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~HEALING ORIENTAL MASSAGE with MAGIC HANDS to RELAX YOUR SOUL and BODY~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ - 28
(Two North Scottsdale Locations)
Thu 02 Jan