Sat 22 Feb
Kari, New Location! X-LARGE Awesome! Be Her Hero Again! Revive Passion, Desire in Minutes, Proven
(Phoenix, US)
Mon 27 Jan
Sensual Touch Sexy Blonde! Relax w/ a Real Companion! MyPlace/Yours! - 30
(Phoenix, E. Valley/Yours)
===== Saturday Specials = Escape From the Heat With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Tempe or Yours)
==== SATURDAY SPECIALS ==== This Blonde Bombshell Will Knock Your Socks Off ! ============ - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
= HOT Saturday Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Escape The Heat === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
💋 Exxotic))* Ebony Beauty ))* ×—x *((💋Complete Pampering))* ×—x ((*Total Satisfaction 💋)) - 26
Sun 12 Jan
==== Saturday Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Sat 11 Jan
=======TGIF SPECIALS====== This Blonde Bombshell Will Start Your Weekend With A BANG ! ============ - 25
(My Discreet Place Scottsdale or Yours)
==== The Perfect Escape From Your Day ... == HOT Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Phoenix or Yours)
Psst...$SaVe LoTs$ there's a MASSAGE LINK below BODY RUBS/Masseuse gOoDiE 2 sHoEs - 40
SaTuRdAy SpEcIaL iS gReAt ==> wArM uP with ThE nOn RuShInG HoT sExY LaTiNa ===> MaRiAnA - 24
(my place or yours)
======HUMP DAY SPECIALS ==== This Blonde Bombshell Will Knock Your Socks Off ! ============ - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
==== End of the Year Specials === This Blonde Bombshell Will Take Away Your Friday Stress ======== - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
⭐ToTaL⭐ _✨🌙_⭐ReLaXaTioN⭐ _✨🌙_ 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐TrEaTmEnT⭐UpScale Private Residence _✨🌙 - 30
(North/West Phx (My Place ) or Yours, Phoenix)
Fri 10 Jan
=== TGIF Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = U Deserve It! === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Phoenix or Yours)
"Right now... you could get up from where you are and you could leave everything behind." - 31
(Phoenix, Private Home - 19th Ave & Union Hills)
RELAX in your Hm or Hotel or my studio. Treat yourself for once. - 37
(Phoenix, Valleywide-Scottsdale,Tempe,Mesa,Gilbert)
============= This Blonde Bombshell Will Take Away All Your Stress ! =============== - 25
(Phoenix-My Place or Yours)
Thu 09 Jan
==== TGIF Specials == Spend Your Evening With This Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Phoenix or Yours)
=== Thursday Specials == Start Your Day Off With This Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
=== TGIF Specials = Start Your Weekend With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = U Deserve It! === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
=== Sweet Specials = Escape From the Heat With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place Tempe/Airport or Yours)
Full Body Massage / Ther / Sensual / Tantra / Mutual / LMT / 480 788 0183 / NO SET TIME LIMIT!!!! - 42
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Scottsdale / Phoenix 480-788-0183, West Valley)
*~H a P p I n E s S * i S . . . a * H o T * r E d H e A d *~ ! ! - 34
(Tucson, Grant and alvernon or your place)
ToDaY's SpEcIaL ===> A HoT vOuLuPtIoUs LaTiNa ThAt CaN't WaiT tO fReE yOuR sTrEsS Mariana - 24
(my place=(west phx) or yours=(all over))
Wed 08 Jan
===== TGIF Specials = Escape From the Heat With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(My Discreet Place Scottsdale or Yours)
===== The Perfect Way To Start The Weekend Right...= HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(My Discreet Place Scottsdale or Yours)
========== This Blonde Bombshell Will Take Away Your Afternoon Blues! ============ - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
===== The Perfect Escape From Your Hot Day ...= HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
= Tuesday Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Escape The Heat === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Tue 07 Jan
========== This Blonde Bombshell Will Take Away Your Sunday Blues! ============ - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
==== Thursday Specials == Spend Your Day With This Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Phoenix or Yours)
FrIdAy SpEcIaL TiL NoOn ==> A HoT vOuLuPtIoUs LaTiNa ThAt CaN't WaiT tO fReE yOuR sTrEsS==> Mariana - 24
(my place=(west phx) or yours=(all over))
=== Football Specials == Start Your Night Off With This Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
=== Tuesday Specials == Start Your Day Off With This Blonde Bombshell === Treat Yourself !! === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
=== Tuesday Specials = Start Your Week With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = U Deserve It! === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
===== Monday Specials = Escape From the Heat With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
❤️❤️Sexy exotic hottie with a body!! $100 special!! My place or yours! ❤️❤️ - 29
(I-10&Chandler;/awatukee/Chandler/airport, Phoenix)
Mon 06 Jan
❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ SEXY █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆♥ BUSTY BLONDE ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ GREAT HANDS ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤
(Phoenix, North Phoenix(My Place) or Yours)
==== Lunchtime Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in PHX/Tempe or Yours)
= HOT TGIF Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Escape The Heat === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Sun 05 Jan
= HOT Tuesday Specials = Take A Break With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Escape The Heat === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Fri 03 Jan
=== Early Bird Specials = Escape From the Day With Me = HOT Blonde Bombshell = Treat Yourself === - 25
(Phoenix, My Discreet Place Tempe/Airport or Yours)
Thu 02 Jan