Mon 27 Jan
Hot buBBlEe & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
COme FinD oUT WhAt u"v BeEn MiSsInG!!!!! L@@k - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 12 Jan
Hot BubBLy & dOwN 2 EaRtH Sh! Sh! sh! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Simply Stunning!!! with a Spark, to light up your life !!!!!!!!!!!! - 48
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern / /in calls only)
Sat 11 Jan
Cougar 52 Hot Real 100℅% seXy Experienced woman - 52
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sizzling, Intoxicating, Beautiful 51 Year Old Cougar - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K L@@k L@@k CLasSy, SasSy, beaUTiFul , & FaNcY - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Hi My name is MicHeLle And cuGaRLishuS is SOoooooo DelicOUS 51 l and .................p - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Fri 10 Jan
Simply Stunning!!! with a Spark, to light up your life !!!!!!!!!!!! - 49
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern / /in calls only)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy & Sweet this Cougar you got 2 Meet - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@oking @ her pics iZ a TeAze, dIal my # & u'll b pLEased - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Wed 08 Jan
Gentleman Take A Look at this Cougar, when you do I'll be waiting for you. - 50
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
L@@K!!! Deliciously Cougarlicious Petitely Sexy - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Tue 07 Jan
MmmmmmmmmmM 52 ThIs cOuGar wants 2 take if you - 52
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sun 05 Jan
DaNgErOusLy.seXY & FuLL oF Fun L@@k😃!!!!!! - 51
(35th ave and Northern / /in calls only, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sat 04 Jan
%100 Real %100 Sexy %100 Satifaction Guarenteed! Available for you , Now to Enjoy . - 48
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern / /in calls only)
Fri 03 Jan