Sat 11 Jan
•——• ❤ •——•——• ❤ •——• ❤ SMOKING •——• ❤ •——• HOT •——• ❤ •——• PETITE •——• ❤ •——• SWEETIE ❤•——• ❤ •——• - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, OUTCALL)
sexy, fun blonde bombshell that will show u a good time! xoxo - 24
(Dunlap & Cavecreek, Phoenix, Phx North)
_____________* ( S ) * T - ( Y ) - * L - ( E ) * ______________ - 19
S E X Y _**_ S W E E T _**_**_ Mixed Bombshell _**_ __E X C L U S I V E _** ---------------- - 21
(Phx North, I17/GREENWAY)
New Blonde! (( LooK )) *** Super Sexy Blonde 38DD w/ Amazing Curves ((a few short days)) - 24
Just What You Need!!! Leaving Soon Don't Miss Out!! Incall Specials!!! - 23
(East Valley, Near Airport In and Outcalls Allover, Phoenix)
•★• Juicy J •★• {D0n't Miss Out} ★ 480• 341• 7505 ★ - 69
(Phx North, Off The i17 BeTween CamelBack & Peoria)
I'm Back From L.A. !! "THEE Best Charming and Skilled HIPS and Magical LIPS!" Back In East Valley - 23
(East Valley)
► ► BuBBLe BUTT BaBe ! ExTrA FrEakY ◄ ◄ - 22
(East Valley, My Place Tempe or Yours baby)
I'm not Kim K But My 🌹 Curves Will Leave You Mesmerized! Upscale. FL🗼T Rates - 28
(Cave Creek & 101, Phoenix)
*H*O*T*& *S*E*X*Y* & R*E*A*D*Y* To Rub You the RIGHT Way !! 602-582-9547 - 44
(Phoenix, 53rd ave & Peoria or O/C is Available)
*¨¨*- ¦:-* YoUr ☆ OwN☆ SpArKLinG ☆ BLoNde StAr -: :-*¨¨*100 SpEcIaLs - 23
(Phx North, I17 n Greenway)
NEW ███████ ████████ ★ CoLLeGe HoTTie ★ ███████ ★ ReaDy 2 GeT NAugHTY ★ █████████ █████████ ★ - 21
(Phx North, Scottsdale INCALL + OUTCALL valleywide)
💋👐Gorgeous Petite Blonde Playboy Bunny---Deep Tissue--Nuru-- Sweddish 👐💋 - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Out call Valley Wide, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
jayla 😘me and you imagine that in town for the day ask about my 80 rose special - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, 1-17)
• ♡ • Your #1 Independent SUPER Busty Bombshell! • ♡ • specials! SpEcIaLs! SPECIALS! - 27
(Phx North, Best OUTCALL in the valley!)
{__*NeW*__} -*- {__ *SeXy* __} -*- {__ *SwEeT* __} - {__ *CaRameL* __} -*- {__ *TrEaT*__} - 22
(East Valley, Your Place Only Baby!)
___ N E W _ P I C S ~~~~ Ready _ for _ You _ Right _ N O W ~~~~ Tall _ Blonde _ Sexy _ - 36
(East Valley)
💛❤️uAbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦CoMe PLaY WiTh Me 💦❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🔥💦SwEeT 🍓🔥🍓SE❌ii LATINA 💛 - 20
(East Valley, Tempe INCALL ONLY)
Shhhh....***Let Me Be Your DIRTY LITTLE Secret*** I'm SO Submissive & Want to PLEASE You BabY - 21
❤ ——SINFULLY ••❤•• SWEET ——❤ BLONDE BomBShell ——TREAT ❤ $100 Special - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
°o© ° CAUTION °o© ° °STUNNING °°o©° BLONDE °o© ° AHEAD °o© - - 22
(Phx North, Outcalls Only)
~Late night specials * Jewels * working all night so pick up and call 623-688-1148 - 25
Happy 4th of July!!! Any Gentlemen Interested in Some Good Clean Fun? 34"B 24" 34" OUTCALL ONLY - 36
[¤][¤][¤] C_O_M_E E_N_J_O_Y A S_P_E_C_I_A_L T_R_E_A_T [¤][¤][¤] - 30
(Scottsdale/ E. Phoenix/ Yours Or Mine)
|*|*|*| BONY LOVERS !!! |*|*|*| bOOootiFULL BOOT¥ BoOT¥ **** Busty Chocolate 38dds - 22
(Phx North, BELL RD. / i-17 #[602] 299 = 5219)
A Gentlemans FANTasY COme TRUe! Fun Babe! Loves to party⬇️ - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Valleywide outs only mirage westside spe)
Fri 10 Jan
The Hottest TS visiting North Scottsdale Today *Specials* - 26
(Phoenix, Scottsdale Rd / Thunderbird)
XX Hey Gentlemen!! Katrina & Carly Are Ready 2 Play! Can U Handle Us?? - 44
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
*::* TH3 MaiN ATTraCTiON*::* *::*Bite Sized Candy*::* - 19
(Central/South Phoenix, incall. outcall friendly)
THE :: _U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ Lady__)))_:: _E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N_C_E_ - 27
(Phx North, off the 17 n Glendale-private location)
THE _ SuPEr > >SL0oPy S!OWwW $60 SpEC@iL > > FeATuRiNG ( ThE ThiGhEST Of ALL MS PReTTy KiTTy) - 31
(Dunlap & I -17 >> A SAFE PRIVATE DISCR)
She is REAL__ ATTENTION!!! __ Must Click & View This Chick! ___ Shes Amazing!!! ____ DONT MISS OUT! - 19
(iNCALLS- 83rdave & Central Phx &O.C;)
(I-10 & Baseline Rd In/Outcalls)