Tue 07 Jan
(((((((((((( (((((((((((( _____ I __ ♥ ___ HUMP __ DAY!!! ______ )))))))))))) )))))))))))) - 22
(THE hottest EBONY located IN west VALLEY)
HAPPY 4th of July *** $15 - of any of my today's donations go 2 the 19 FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS at B of A - 24
(East Valley, Alma School - Baseline Chandler AZ)
★• FIVE StaR TrEatMenT •★• PURE DeLiGhT •★• BlONdE BoMbShElL•★• 100 SpEcIaLs - 24
(Phx North, i17 and dunlap)
CAN YOU HANLE THIS _____ ALL DAY ______ 50 SpEcIaLs _____ ALL NIGHT ____ 100hr _____ CLICK HERE _ - 28
=========== ======>>> I AM the ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE..SEXY LATINA ready to PLAY
💋 You're Just a Massage Away From a Fantastic Mood! (LMT) 😉 OXO. Brand New PICS! 💋💋💋 ! - 54
(East Valley, Phoenix, queen creek/ san tan valley/)
💞HOTELS & HOMES💞V.i.P. NURU. Sensual Touch💞BLONDE Heaven B2B💞AVAILABLE Now💞Gentelmen - 37
(East Valley, Phoenix, scottsdale Biltamore tempe surrounding a)
Mon 06 Jan
*^*^*UNloCk ThE MAGIC *^*^ SexY ItAlian n LeBanEse*^ let ME take U to pArAdise - 28
(East Valley, Off Arizona ave in call only)
______* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * *________ - 20
(East Valley, scottsdale/ E phoenix Incalls 202 fwy)
Temperature's Very Hot, outside and SUMMER is here beat the heat INCALL - EAST VALLEY - 24
(East Valley, Alma School - Elliott / Warner Chandler)
PORN STAR mENTALITY & SKills 2 mATCH / sexpert XRATED (new pics) _____ LOOK INSIDe $80 SPECIAL $80 - 21
~~** Monday's Special Red Headed Treat **~~ - 24
(East Valley, phoenix scottsdale tempe mesa valley wid)
LAST DAY_ _ _ _ _ _ sexiest asian_ _ _ _ _ REVIEWED_ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIALS all day_ _ _ _ LAST DAY_ _ _ - 21
(1-17 in and out)
Kitty here. New n Town 100% Real - 19 incall Special - 19
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale Fashion Square)
_ I _ am _ Loosening _ My _ Buttons -- Just 4 You ! __ Sexy - !! ~~~ Waiting to Hear From You..! - 36
(East Valley)
Good morning Gentleman, sitting here wating for that call, so I can give you what you need - 49
(Phx North, phoenix)
** Gorgeous & Busty! BeSt InDePeNdEnT BLONDE IN THE VALLEY! ** SPECIALS!!!!!! - 27
(Phx North, Best OUTCALL in the valley! GUARANTEED!!)
*♥* DON'T YOU WANT !!! ---- >>> {{ THE PERFECT GIRL}} ::: DOnT MiSS OuT::: SPECIAL!!! Plus REAL PICS - 24
(Phx North, PHOENIX)
dON'T wINE mE ,OR dINE mE ,jUST ...... $120 Special All Night Long - 42
(West Valley, 35 TH AVE AND NORTHERN)
*-:¦:-*DoNt cHeAt yOuRsElF * tReAt YoUrSeLf *-:¦:-* *sPeCiALs* - 30
(Scottsdale/ Tempe/ Phoenix/ Yours/ Mine)
ExOtiC ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ Sexxi ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ Italian ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ MisTrEsS! L••ks100% Guaranteed - 29
(West Valley, Outcall only)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCTIV WEDNESDAY SPECIAL* incall/ outcall - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN PHOENIX)
|6O| C__O__ M__E ____ * ____P__ L__A__Y____ * ____W__ I __T__ H____ * ____M__ E_ | 60 | - 22
(East Valley, My Place in Tempe or Your Place Baby !)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCTIVE MONDAY SPECIAL* incall/ outcall - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN PHOENIX)
~~~~~~~~~ 60 SpEcIaLs ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ CARAMEL CUTIE WITH A BOOTY ~~~ ~~~~~~60 ~~~~~~~ ~~~60~~~~~~~
2 Girl Specials!!! Double The Fun!!! Knockout Petite Spinner & A Gorgeous Ebony Barbie! - 20
~~~~~ 100% ~~~~~ DELICIOUS ~~~~~~~~ 100% ~~~~~~~ BEAUTY ~~~~ CALL ~~~~ ME ~~~ !!!!!! ~~~~~ - 24
___ Your _ Perfect _ Choice _ For _ An _ AfterNoon _ Of _ Fun . . . . . Sexy - Busty - Discrete - - 36
(East Valley)
What is Squirting? ~* School of Female Ejaculation~* Learn Today~* Safe~* Professional
(South Scottsdale)
sexy, fun blonde bombshell that will show u a good time! xoxo - 24
(Dunlap & Cavecreek, Phoenix, Phx North)
New new New platinum blonde Southern Bell open minded - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Scottsdale downtown Phoenix airport)
NEW PICS ✶ ------ ✶ TATTED DAME ✶ ------ ✶ WiLL RoCK YoUR WoRLD ✶ ------ ✶ FuNSiZeD FaNTaSY✶ ----- ✶ - 23
(East Valley, Incall Available In Tempw)
★Is youR girlFriend Home★ {D0n't Miss Me} ★ InViTe me OvER!!* ★ - 23
(Phx North, 101 & BELL. Outcall Only)
Independent ASAiN ♥♡ LATiNA ♡♥ Beautiful goddess♥♡ iNCALLS ONLY / 100% REAL pictures - 22
(Phx North)
(INCALLS and OUTCALLS all over!)
♥ __I__R__R__E __S__ I __S __T__ A __B__L__E__ ♥ °•..•° ♥sSuUpPeErR sSpeEciIaAl - 27
(Phx North, off the 17 n Glendale-private location)