Mon 27 Jan
LUCKY YOU :*¨¨*: :COME *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: DO WHATEVER ::*¨¨*:.5@ sPeCiAlS - 22
(5@ inCaLl SpEcIaLS)
Lotsa Wild Nympho Fun & Lotsa Wild Reviews - Incall Daytimes Only - 22
(Central Phoenix Close To Doentown)
$~`$ LOOK!! $~`$ Incall specials thru sunday ~`~ You won't find a better Flat rate, TER Reviewed! - 24
(YOUR place or MINE!!!)
"Look @ My Pics" WoW! *In-Call* Special *Out-Call* also available call! - 23
(East Valley, Tempe, PhX, Mesa Valley Wide)
LOOK ► *¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe *¨¨* - 21
London Baby❤️❤️❤️.. Scottsdale's ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Everything's Real 💲💲💲💲💲 EVERYTHING LONDON... - 24
(East Valley, OLD TOWN Scottsdale ALL EAST VALLEY, Phoenix)
LITTLE HOT TWISTED NYMPHO Loves All The Twisted Stuff - Incall Daytimes and past 4:00 today - 22
(24st &Mcdoul;)
((-)) *** Looking For A Replacement... *** ~ Incall((-)) **Diane Parker** - 34
(East Valley, Queen Creek)
Long legs, Fair skin and stimulating to the mind and body $$Specials$$ out call only - 26
(Phx North)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS X TWO Upscale Withour The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
((((**)))) Looking For A Replacement ((((**)))) ^--^ **Incall** ***Diane Parker*** - 34
(East Valley, Queen Creek)
LITTLE TWISTED NYMPHO GIRL. Loves To Do The Naughty - Incall Only, Daytimes - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL UPSCALE without the upscale donation. Super Reviews. Day times Incall - 22
___Life is Short _____ Live it to the Fullest _____ 5'9" _____ TER Reviewed _____ Ready for You ___ - 36
(East Vally- Az)
!!LOOK SPECIALS!! °•°• NeW BiG BoOtY In ToWn•°•°• ÂvAiLaBle AlL NiGhT °•°• ! 80 Special.. WOW - 26
(West Valley, GLENDALE)
LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy ! Hottie ! »» A MuSt See !! - 19
(North Scottsdale (101&Bell;) East loop)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ Live Your Fantasy With Me ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~•❀• ~ ~ - 69
(East Valley, Warner RD off the 101 in Chandler)
LØØK -> (SUP€R H0T & R€ADY) => *S € X Y*&*S K i L L € D* BLOND€ PLA¥MAT€ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, INCALL)
Lick It Like A Lollipop ___ Sexy Saturday Special!!! ____ Soft Booty ____ Exotic Boobs - 19
(West Valley, Tempe Priest and Broadway 80hhr)
▓ ▓ Lets Make It Happen Just Like a Real First Date! ONE FLAT FEE____ UNRESTRICTED FUN! - 25
(Phoenix, OUT CALL )
LOOK @ TH!$ EBONY YOU CAN HAVE FOR JUST _______>>>$60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
✰ { ✰ } LooK At ThiS OnE OF KinD BL ➓ NDE HottiE ShE's A PerfecT ➓ { ✰ } ✰ - 25
(East Valley, ELLIOT - I -➓ ~ IC/OC)
•*¨¨*•-: LETS MAKE SUNDAY OUR FUN DAY •*¨¨*•-:¦:-• OUT CALL / IN CALL - 30
(Phx North, Sweetwater and 20th St)
LOOK HERE (new pics!) »»» In call / out calls ««« (new pics!) LOOK HERE6026216708 - 19
(West Valley, Westvalley(in) valleywide(outs))
like maxwell house ...GOOD= TO= THE =LAST =DROP... let me jump start your day ~80 spec~ - 26
(Scottsdale / tempe border)
LITTLE NYMPHO LOTSA DV8 FUN - Incall Only, Daytimes Wild Reviews - 22
(Central Phoenix 24th St & McDowell)
Let's see what rules we can brake fun being ! - 28
(East Valley, 52 st and Broadway phoenix az)
LETS PLAY!!! Don't end the weekend without fitting Barbie in! Available now - 24
(Phx North, I-17 && Bell)
💖💞LoCaL**ALL NaTuRaL💖💞💖💗BiG BeaUtiFuL BouNcY BooTy💖NEW VIDEO! !!💖💖 - 28
(East Valley, Incall tempe/ out drive myself, Phoenix)
LITTLE TWISTED SCHOOL GIRL-Blond Synn Daytimes, Incall and Weekdays Only - 27
LØØK -> (SUP€R H0T & R€ADY) => *S € X Y*&*S K i L L € D* BLOND€ PLA¥MAT€ - 22
(East Valley, ASU/tempe)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL Upscale Without The Upscale Donation - Super Reviews Incall Only - 22
(Just North Of Downtown Phoenix)
Lick, lick, lick you like a lollipop, call right now im waiting. - 21
(East Valley, North Phoenix, Central Phoenix)
_:***~** LATE NIGHT SNACK!? Let this BUSTY ARMENIAN BEAUTY be Your SWEET Treat!! **~***: - 24
(East Valley, Scottsdale, (702) 488-6122)
CLICK On ME!!! A Busty COCKtail Server For YOU ... Stress Relief At It's BEST ! & Well Reviewed! - 23
(PHOENIX incall)
(( [LeaViNG ToWN SooN] )) *::* 100 . 200 *::* (({ iN &OuT; VALLeYWiDe })) - 20
●●●●● LEAVING at noon●●●●●● 100💲VIP HALF special ●●●●●● LEAVING at noon●●●●●●●● 100💲HALF special ●●●●●● - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, TEMPE.....baseline & kyrene .....#192321)
Learn to De-Code Women & Intimacy. Get more out of your Marriage, Girlfriend or Escort Services - 38
(East Valley, Scottsdale & Mesa)
Latin Mouth Watering Love Goddess Has Specials ! Call Now : 206-947-3195 ***** - 22
(phoenix and surrounding areas)
Last Chance 4 GINA InCaLL!★ (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯)Gina (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯)Gina! - 35
(Phx North, Scottsdale/N.Phoenix)
★❤ ❤ █ — ♥ — █ ♥ LAST DAY!! B E A U T I F U L ♥ U N I Q U E ♥ T H A I * M I X ♥ █ — ♥ — █ ❤ ❤ ❤★ - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Sky Harbor/ Tempe)
Latin Mouth Watering Love Goddess Has Specials ! Call Now : 267-625-0169 ***** - 22
(phoenix and surrounding areas)