Tue 07 Jan
gorgeous blonde bombshell ready to nasty in the sheets * multiple pop * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
for the greatest experiance of your life click here 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incall I-10 ray ext)
click here to have the time of you life 80 dollar special - 19
(Phoenix, chandler incall I-10 ray ext)
GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} SPiNNeR (( 60 )) AvAiLabLe Now - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
young beautiful white girl ready to please your every need 80 dollar special - 18
(chandler I-10 ray ext)
dripping wet blonde * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
IM EVERYTHING :*¨¨*: :YOU WANT *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: AND MORE ::*¨¨*: - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
Not looking4 Mr.Right Looking 4 Mr.Johnson RIGHT NOW!KandieLeighWELL REVEIWEDBustyBigBooty Blond24/7 - 39
(Phoenix, I-10 IN CHANDLER I WORK 24/7)
Mon 06 Jan
NEW ( ViSiTiNG ) -:- SeXY -:- EBoNy -:- avAiLAble -:- NoW' ( ViSiTiNG ) - 20
(CHANDLER ( Incall/ I-10 fwy. Ray Rd exit)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I LOVE 120 GFE Special ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * * * Amazing Blonde* * * - 22
(Incall / Chandler/I-10 Ray rd.)
( 60..60..special ) SeXy N -:- eVeRy WaY -:- WETT -:- EbOny SPiNneR aLL yOuRs ToDay - 20
(chandler Incall I-10 EXIT RAY rd.)
▉ CAUTION ▉ This Dominican Bombshell Is Dangerously HoT 100 Special - 18
(Chandler exit I-10 Ray Road)
Amazing Specials Amazing Sessions With Amazing Sara!!!!( 60 SPECIALS GFE 120 ))) - 29
(Incall Chandler/I-10/Ray rd.)
With a Name Like * | * Donna Mellons * | * - It has to be Good! - 35
(N. Sdale Easy Loop-101 / Valley Wide)
Wanna get RUBBEDtheRIGHT wayBaby?KandieLeigh Johnson the best RUBBER N THE BIZ HandsDOWN HandsON24/7 - 39
Sun 05 Jan
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
sexy blonde ready to play in a nice cold shower * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
A UNiQue GEM (4) GeNTLeMeN *WiTH* eXxXqUiSiTe {TaSTe} + GeT iT HoW YoU LiKE iT + {UNBeLiEVaBLY WeT} - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 exit Ray rd)
mixed dominican here to cater to your wants and needs 80 dollar special - 18
(chandler incall off i-10 exist ray)
wet blonde bombshell * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
========$80 SPECIALS ======= CAN YOU HANDLE THIS??? ======== SPECIALS ====== - - - 21
(Chandler I-10 exit ray road)
YouR --+++- SEXXY -- +++-- NAughTY ----+++- YouNG - - HotTie 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
why settle for the others when iam all u need and more 80 special - 18
(chandler incall off i-10 exist ray rd)
this blonde has been a naughty girl tonight * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls i-10 ray exit)
NEW.. new... PLaYFuL LiL SPiNNeR ThaNG -:-xXx-:- NyMpHo AvAiLaBLe ALL NiGHT long - 20
(CHANDLER (: incall :) i-10 exit Ray rd)
NEW! neW! ..Italian & GErmAn - loveable gorgeous ..xXx provider ! NEW! ( Available now ) SPECIALS!!! - 24
(INCALL - CHANDLER ( I-10 ) RAY rd exit)
Sat 04 Jan
sexy blonde ready to get freaky * * * * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
SpeCiaLs AvAiLaBLe NOW.... xXx... THe GrEaTeST LiL EbOnY SpiNnEr CrEaTiOn ... xXx .... - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall )i-10 exit Ray rd)
gorgeous blonde ready to have some fun this evening 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler INCALLS ONLY I-10 ray ext)
SeXy N -:- eVeRy WaY -:- WETT -:- EbOny SPiNneR aLL yOuRs ToDay - 20
(chandler Incall I-10 EXIT RAY rd.)
MUst HAve The -ULTiMATE- SPiNNeR SaTiSFaCTioN _* ( AvAiLaBLe NoW ) *_ GooD .. EvEr .. TiMe .. - 20
(CHANDLER . i-10 exit RAY rd)
this blonde is dripping wet * * * multiple pop * * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off I-10 ray exit)
Amazing Specials Amazing Sessions With Amazing Sara!!!!( 60 SPECIALS GFE 120 ))) - 22
(Incall Chandler /I-10 Ray rd.)
Fri 03 Jan
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 120 GFE Special 60 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * * * Amazing Blonde* * * - 22
(Incall / Chandler/I-10 Ray rd.)
im hot cum get the water with me * * multiple pop * * 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls off i-10 ray exit)
-:¦:-S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦: - - 20
(East Valley, i 10 Ray r- Chandler)
Cum And Get Treated Like The King That You Are 80 dollar special - 19
(chandler incalls I-10 ray exit)
cum have fun with a gorgeous blonde goddess 80 dollar special - 18
(chandler I-10 ray ext INCALLS ONLY)
GooD ... EvEr ... TiMe ... *-* TiNy ebony PrOviDiNg BiG SaTiSFaCTiOn *-* AvAiLaBLe NoW - 20
(CHANDLER . i-10 exit RAY rd)
New Girls try us today I-10& Elliot - 32
(ahwatukee,airport , chandler, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
Thu 02 Jan
NEW (: ViSiTiNG :). xXx SHE IS SO FINE !! .... PETITE EBONY ... - 20
(CHANDLER ( incall ) i-10 RAY rd exit)