Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
████████████ ___NØ_FAKE _ PICS_HERE _TS_█ ₩ITH_ PRØØF █ _ HAS_ R€AL-PICS ███████████ - 23
(Phoenix, ❤❤46 ST AND E THOMAS RD❤❤)
Sat 04 Jan
█▀ ★💜💚 $WEET 99$PECIAL ▄█★💜💚💛❌⭕❌⭕SWEET PINK BLONDE BABE 💙💜💚 ★ █▀▀█▄▄█ -█▀▀█▄▄█ █▀▀█▄▄█ -█▀▀█▄▄█ - 24
(Phoenix, Phx- Camelback-freeway-51, Biltmore Area)
Don't B Shy☝☆☝☆AMAZING and GORGEOUS TS Kammy☆☝☆☝ ☝☆☝☆ New to Phoenix!! ☆☝ ☆☝ - 23
(Phoenix, I 17/Dunlap (My Place) Safe n discreet)
☆☆☆☆Available NOW☆☆☆☆Gorgeous, intelligent, passionate,VERS! CD/TS STUNNING!! - 28
(Old Town Scottsdale - South Scottsdale, Phoenix)
ThEy lEfT U HaNgInG Ill lEaVe u bEggInG 24\7 ★ TS☆ ★ garented load ☆!! ☎ (602) 291-4369 - 24
(Phoenix, 24ST OAK)
Fri 03 Jan
LAST DAY CoMe an GeT This 10.5inch long THicK Girl POLE DoNT MISs OUT on a real FF Girl Stick ! - 23
Thu 02 Jan