Sat 11 Jan
; XxX===== nAuGhTY & NIcE ==== YoUnG ==== PlAyMaTeS ====xXx - 21
XxX _____ 2 CaLiFoRnIa BoMbShElLs _____ LeT Us MaKe YoUr FaNtAsYs ReAlItY ___ CoUsInS _____ XxX ____ - 21
💆Naughty Girl NEEDS 2 B SPANKED👋 🌷Tulips taste like honey🍯 COME PLAY - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, I-10 & 51st ave, Phoenix)
Erotic massage from a sexy, curvy spanish sweetheart - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, scottsdale, tempe, phx, asu, ou)
Exotic 😍 Erotic💦 Playmate! Gentleman only!!!! Real pics & video💃👑 - 24
(East Valley, tempe/chandler/scottsdale/mesa)
Available now ❗️LATINA Foreign treat ✈️🍓 Gentlemen's Choice❗️ My accent will drive you wild 🐯😍😍 - 26
(Phx North, OUTCALL🚗💨💨 to all cities! Mesa-Phx- 🏡💋)
Trust me guys, You Don't Wanna Miss this! ~*~*~AZ's Finest is BACK - 25
(East Valley, 44th st & thomas)
Fri 10 Jan
After work and late night special 60hhr 80hr - 35
(Alma school and 60 freeway, East Valley, Phoenix)
TwO GirL FuN!! 2 H-O-T & SEXY ((COLLEGE STUDENTS)) ..we love to party! - 18
(Tucson near 10 frwy)
Simply amazing !!!! 60hh/100$ hour specials !!!!!! Incalls only - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Central/Thomas)
【 💯%REAL✔✔】 ▬▬【💢💎 BuSTy💎ΒLONDE 💎💢】▬▬ 【🌠💣BOMBSHELL💣🌠】 ▬▬ 【❤️WaiTiNg4YoU❤️】 - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, i17 INCALL)
*****InCalL SpEcIaILs 60/80/100 & O/C SpEcIaILs WiTh YoUr BeAuTiFuL DoMiNiCaN LaTiNa WeLl ReViEwEd - 23
(East Valley, Tempe I-10 Elliott I/C & O/C)
✦ ✧ ——— Exotic ————— ✦8O SPCLS✦ ————— Petite & Curvy ————— ✦ ✧ ————— Flawless ————— ✦ ✧ ————— ✦ ✧ - 21
(West Valley, 83rd Ave)
*ღ* Every Man's ExXxotic Dream *ღ* ø¤º°Stunning ø¤º° Italian ø¤º° Red(hEaD) - 25
(Phx Incall/44st & Thomas (off the 202))
💥💥 [- BIG -]-] [-[- STEP -]][-ABOVE -] [-[- THE -]][ REST] ] SEXY -]-] [ LATINA [-SPECIALS-] - 23
(North Phx Private Incall or Your Place, Phoenix, Phx North)
¤•::S e X y [NEW] eXxOtiq:: Italian& Spanish »Mix H♥ttie:: SpeCials:: $PECiALS::•¤ - 22
(West Valley, phoenix/tempe)
♥ sMiLeInG ♥ Is The ->2nd Best Thing I Do With My L*I*P*S $40 Spls! - 24
(pHx InCaLl/ 47st& Thomas (the 202 ))
Enchanting * Elegenat * Naughty * Discreate College sTudent * - 23
(Inn Me or @ the confort of ur place)
Erotic massage from a sexy, curvy spanish sweetheart - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, scottsdale, tempe, phx, asu, ou)
🆕🎲Come get lucky 🎲🆕【 💋Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD 💎】[X💰X]【💘 $€Ӝ¥ Blonde ρℓαγℳαte 💍】[x🎰x]【 Call Me 👯 ]. - 21
(Incall, Phoenix, Phx North)
__________ ♤ ((( ✰ SeDuCTiVe yOuNg BeAuTy! ✰))) ♤ _________ - 19
(__((**i10 &broadway; TEMPE**INCALLS**))__)
💜💜💜 ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ 💜💜 B U S T Y 💜💜 ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ 💜💜B U S T Y 💜💜 ⓒⓛⓘⓒⓚ ➋ ⓢⓔⓔ 💜💜💜 - 21
(West Valley, I10 WEST)
Thu 09 Jan
#1🍦PeTiTe🍦🌸 ★ ExOtiC★🌸 BaRBiE 💖100% Real 💎 Available Now💎 Morning Specials 😘 - 22
(East Valley, Phoenix Airport INCALL && OUTCALLS 2 U)
Sexy SPAniSh Doll NINA I DO what she WOnT - 25
(19th Ave & GLENDALE, Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
REAL PICS!!! Puerto Rican /Cuban exotic beauty 👀....Spice up your night 🌹🌹🌹💃💃🙌👄 - 25
(East Valley, Tempe/ North Phoenix/Scottsdale/chandler)
£OoKs Of an Âng£ ♀ ßu SkillS Øf a §iNnR ☿ ► Spls.$40.Spls ◄ - 27
(Phx Incall/32st & McDowell =off 202=)
♡•new in town•♡ 36DDD big booty Latina ♡• A+ mouth - 24
(Phx North, in calls Glendale O/C anywhere you are)
💅💅🌺🎇🎇🎇 Latina Hot boom girl Visiting 🌌🌌🌌🌌 - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Holokaut Way . UNIVERSITY, Phoenix)
HeLlO BoYs ...... WaNnA pLaY ? ____ 2 GiRlS LoOkInG fOr FuN __ GrEeN eYeD BaRbIe aN BrOwN eYeD BaBe - 21
★▃ Hola! Petite Spanish Doll 4 You! Si Habla Espanol! Incall Fun?❀▃★ - 21
(Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley, West Valley Incalls/Outcalls)
Dont Let Monday's Madness Get To You Come Relax With A Real Latina PRIVATE RESIDENCE - 23
♥°° C_Õ_M_P _£__T__£_Y_ ♥ _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G °♥ T.E.R and PHXASP REVIEWS - 24
★ A Little Bit Of SwEeTNeSs * SpLaSh of BeAuTY * WhOLe LoT of SaTiSFaCTiON ★ - 19
(___((IN CALLS))__ i10& Broadway__)
__________ ♤ ((( ✰ StUnNiNg yOuNg BeAuTy! ✰))) ♤ _________ - 19
(__((**Tempe-i10&Broadway; **INCALLS**))__)
♥♡♥SEXY♥♡♥ ::::::::::: California Spanish Hottie :::::::::::: 》》((LAST DAY)) |:::♥:::| - 21
(East Valley, Scottsdale :::::::: 》Upscale Incall!)
SCOTTSDALE♥ BeAuTtIFuL Busty LaYLa♥ Real Pics 5/31-6/3♥ SCOTTSDALE - 22
(East Valley, Let's Party♥♡♥Scottsdale and surrounding)
¤::S e X y [[NEW]] Sdu©tivE:: Italian& Spanish »Mix H♥ttie:: SpeCials:: $PECiALS::¤ - 22
(West Valley, tempe/phoenix)
☞ RuDe ChIcKs? FAKE Pics? ☆ KnOcK OuT PaCkAgE Here☆ ☞ $40spls - 27
(Phx Incall/ 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
*¨¨*:❀ Naughty Lil Hottie ¯`·.* with the *.·´¯ Banging Body ❀*¨¨*:* - 24
(N101 & 202 Red mtn frwy tempe,)
*:{iM} :*☆¨*: {oNE} :*★¨*: {oF A} :*¨☆*: {KiND}*: Low «╝ Spls! - 26
(Phx Incall/32st & Thomas->off 202 & 143)
✋🚨💋WARNING💋🚨✋__((💥SiMpLy AmAzInG💥))__ 💋Sexy Young Bombshell💋💎 - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, North Phoenix Scottsdale, Phoenix, Phx North, Prescott, West Valley)
TwO GirL FuN!! 2 H-O-T & SEXY ((COLLEGE STUDENTS)) 2**4***1..we love to party! - 18
(Chandler Blvd)
MY LAST DAYS in town... this is your chance to see me before i leave I/C only - 18
(Scottsdale & 202)
GUARANTEED 2 SC0Re W¡th Me © ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ !! ON SALE !! - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix IC 47stt & Thomas =off 202=)
Wed 08 Jan
WoW $50 In-Call specials with a Beauty "Look @ Pics" limited offer Out/Call also Avail* - 23
(East Valley, Tempe, PhX, Mesa Valley Wide)
ೋ☆ When Happily Ever After Fails ☆ Ur PurFeCt LiL PaCkaGe ☆ೋ - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202 =)
ღ. WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS °ღ. I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs ღ $40 Spls - 26
(Phx Incall/32st & thomas =off 202=)
~Up All Night~ Bend Me Over, I'll U xXxPlOde!! $40 Spls FaCiAl AnYoNe? PERFECT FACE-> - 25
㋡ SpR£@diN MORE †haN Just SmiLes -☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 29
(Central/South Phoenix, Phx Incall 32st & Mcdowell =off 202=)
= SeX Is bad = BaD Is sin = SiN Is FoRgIvEn = So -> STICK IT IN -> $40 Spl - 25
(Phx Incall/ 47st & Thomas)
◄ █ ◄ NEW!! GIRL!!! Hot Islander $80 O/C Spec █ █ █ ► - - 20
(East Valley, East Valley/ Fast service)
** I wanna be your sexy little secret!!** ((Sexy - Independent - Blonde - )) **Well Reviewed** - 26
** I wanna be your sexy little secret!!** ((Sexy - Independent - Blonde - GFE)) **Well Reviewed** - 24
: ➡➡➡ DEADLY OBSESSION★ Freaky, Naughty and Kinky ★ Whats Your Fantasy ?😍 - 21
💦💥 Red light specials 💦💥 limited time only 💦💥 60incall special 💦💥 - 24
(Phx North, off i-17 and CACTUS!!! call now!!)
~» §o H0†, I Can Mak€ THe DeviL SWeaT «~ ..$40.o0$.. - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall 32st & Thomas (off 202))
Bootylicious Babe Awaits! TONIGHT IS YOUR NIGHT 602 743 3293 OUTCALL Dynasty - 22
(East Valley, Phoenix, Your Place)
*~ *~BaCk In ToWn YoUr DoMiNiCaN BeAuTiFuL FrEaKy LaTiNA QuEEn * SpEcAiLs 60 - 23
(East Valley, tempe of I-10 Elliott)