Mon 06 Jan
I Am The Type Of Women You Won’t Soon Forget...120.00 hr: Call Anytime 24/7 - 35
(Phx North, 19th ave and peoria house)
~*~*~ Gorgeous BLONDE In MESA! ~*~*~ LAST DAY HERE! ~*~*~ Come See ME! ~*~*~ Dont Miss Out! ~*~*~ - 24
(East Valley, Mesa - 60 and Alma School Rd)
Guess what I have for you all natural DDD and a great new attitude - 45
(East Valley, East Valley Chandler Ahwatukee, Phoenix)
*💖. GorG€ouS * ▓❤ 💖BiG Bo0Ty 💋BloNdiE ❤ * DreAm❤DoLL-LaCey L0vE💕【 ReAdY N0W】❌25 - 25
(East Valley, mcklintock & Broadway)
Don't get Tricked! Get a Real Treat! Sexy Blonde Real Pics! My Place or Yours! - 30
(East Valley, E.Valley/Your Place)
Didn't Get That Car You Wanted At The Auction? Don't Worry You Can Get What You Want With Me!! - 46
BUSTY BLOnde Up All Night!!! ** $100 quick visit SPECIAL*😉
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix surrounding areas)
--:|:- BrAziLLiAn -:|:--:|:- 34DD BuStY -:|:- COLLEGE -:|:- HOTTIE -:|:--:|:- REAL -- PICS -:|:- - 19
(Scottsdale/ incall)
!!!!!!!!!!!Available now!!!!!!!!!!!! Sexyy&Sweet; ready for fun!!! don't miss out!!!!!
(West Valley, Phoenix)
Available Now★SuPeR fInE •★• GoRgEoUs bLOnDE• ★BiG BooBs•★• 100 sPeCiAlS - 25
(West Valley, 59th Ave and the i10)
°°*☆ _ ★ 80 Special with Tiara °°*☆ Biltmore Location . Rise an Shine - 20
(Phx North, 51 north freeway highland /camelback)
~*80*~ **xXx** P E R F E C T -:¦:- P L A Y M A T E **xXx** ~*80*~ - 21
(I-10 & baseline In/outcalls)
[★] ExoTiC [★] SuPer SeXy [★] ClaSsY [★] ... $ 100 SPECIALS! - 37
(East Valley, 44 st Thomas / Airport area)
80$ Special ❤*¨¨*•☆S Secret (( AMAZiiNG HANDS))) S -T-U-N-N-I-N-G with a realm of pleasure ☆•*¨¨*❤ - 25
(OUTCALL ONLY, Phoenix, Phx North)
60 Special I/c ((LIMITED TIME)) 100 O/c Special I DONT TEASE* ¨ *:. ★ ;.:* I PLEASE. * : . - 23
(East Valley, I/c ((MESA)) & O/c Valleywide)
220:a Hippy Goddess of Water and Love, From MALIBU to YOU-gone weds early! - 38
(PHX North 24th st/Thomas)
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* 2 TiMeS ThE FuN... 2 TiMeS ThE N@uGhTY!!! *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. 160 SpEciAL 2 GiRLs - 22
(43 ave & Peoria ((W. PHX)))
34DDD's To sQUeeZe 👉👉👉 i KiSS aNd YoU CaN 💋👸👇 @ tHe Y ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 31
(East Valley, Scottsdale INCALLS 💋 Old Town)
150 including fee🍡🍡DULCE🍡Tuesday 🍦avail @6pm until midnight🍡🍡 CLICK click click here here here - 25
(Phx North, 35th Ave/Peoria /Thunderbird/I-17Hwy)
$125 E—X—C—E—L—L—E —N—T __ S—E—R—V—I—C—E °•█•° —♥—[[ CLASSY ]] ♡ ▆ $150 █ ♡[[ BLONDE ]] —♥$200█ - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, incll only/mesa)
(*100*) ((*SMOKIN HOT)) * So AdoRaBLe! HuRRy! SpeCiaLs NoW! - 25
``` $100 SPeC!! * by * PoPuLaR + DeMaNd + BuStY ~ SecReTarY ` GoNe ** WILD!!! ** East Valley ! - 48
(East Valley, alma school n 60)
00$CLICK HERE] *¨¨*• SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY •*¨¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! •*¨¨*• [CLICK HERE] - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, All areas, my place or u host!)
(($100 Hh Incall SPECIALS!)) TALL SEXY Brunette With CRAZY Skills!! ....READY When You CALL!! - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, I/C- 16th St & Camelback O/C- Valleywide)
▀▄▀▄【🌟 💕💋✨ █▬█✪▀█▀ ℜعD╠╣عαD ◤ 5•§T★ℛ ◢ ℳ@G¡¢αll¥ §K¡LL€D✨💋💕 🌟】▄▀▄▀ - 21
Double The Pleasure Double The Fun!! Two Girls Are Better Than One!! - 23
(East Valley, Scottsdale &nd; Surrounding Areas)
Wanna see what a true SNOW BUNNY likes to do when its cold outside?. warm, hot, juicy little red ! - 25
(east valley, queen creek, maricopa)
What is red, black, white, and sexy all over? SCARLET!!!! - 20
(East Valley, Incall Only Tempe Studio)
♥ ° ToP NoTCH PeRFECTiON ° Latina BEAUTY ° ABSoLUTe BoMBSHeLL ° ♥ - - 21
(Phx North, Scottsdale Rd)
👠👑🌼🌸 Sweet 😍, HOT☀, SexXxy 😱😛😍, Blonde Bombshell 🌼🌸🌼 - 19
(East Valley, Outcall, 2 girl avaiable, love fun!!!, Phoenix)
🌹❤ Sweet Brunette Ready To Play Come Spank Me ❤🌹 (Incalls/Outcalls ) - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Scottsdale Rd and Mcdowell, West Valley)
♡¤Sweet Like Honey Asain Babe¤♡ 100% Real . Early Morning Late Nights - 21
(West Valley, 59th ave incalls only)
** SuPeR TiGhT {} AcTiOn -:¦:-** =_H_o_ T_t_ E_s_ T =____* *____= B_l_ O_n_D_e_= **-:¦:- - 23
sNeaaK awaay. kUMM2 $PARkyy👅goodie$ 🍭i aLwa¥§ dO myy 💋BEsTT💋 spaRkyy the GurrL unEEd 💦💌my menu - 21
(northern n 35th ave! Hostin, Phoenix, Phx North)
_S_U_P_E_R__ — *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -—— _L_A_T_I_N_A —— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4————T_H_E————* B_E_S_T - - 21
(East Valley, EaSt VaLLeY-MeSa)
Red HoTT Hottie -:- -:- 5'5/140/36D -:- -:- Sweet & Sexy Girl Next Door - 30
(West Valley, north phx incall only ---Reviewed Too!)
Reviewed Picture VERIFIED. UPSCALE COMPANION Blonde Sweetheart - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Scottsdale)
PERFECT ★ ★ L I T T L E ★ TREAT - 22
(Phoenix, chandler blvd)
_____Open -Minded ______ Personable ______ And ______ Smokin _____ Hot _____ - 27
(Phx North, Arcadia Area In Call / Out Call)
NEW ~~ LOOK NO FURTHER ~~ HOtt Petite Beauty!!! Newer pics 100% Real - 21
(Phx North, Scottsdale PHX in/out allover)
NeW PiCs ❌👊 KN✪CK✪ut 👊OUTCALL OnLy s👊❌💥 JuiCY BIG B🌏🌏TY🚨❌🚨 DOLL Face💎💋 READy💋 - - 24
(East Valley, OUTCALL EasT MeSa AJ Tempe AsU, Phoenix)
NEW PICS (¯`'.¸ ★¸.'´¯) EVERY ♥MANS ♥F ANTASY (¯`'.¸ ★¸.'´) - 21
(Phx North, Private Host 35th & Greenway)
MONDAY IN-CALL Special Donations 120 Roses Foxy & Mature for beautiful Pam - 46
(East Valley, Mesa, Phoenix, Phx North)
"MYSTIQUE" 4' 10.5" **** 100 lb. Beauty!! Rave Reviews!! A Little Dynamo!! - 45
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall; Cntrl. Phx. - Outcall; Phx Metr)
★ ======= MON!CA M!NX ======= ★ ======= YOUR OFF!C!@L B@D G!RL ======= ★ - 25
(☆ Valleywide Outcall ☆)
Morning pleasure???_ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ i_ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _ n_ _ _ _ _ _ Morning pleasure???_ - 21
(airport area incalls and outcalls)
☆ IsLÅnD ßÅRßiE ☆ 1OO% NaTuRaL ☆ NeW PiX's ☆ EXOTiC BEAUTy! - 23
(Phx North, (I-17/Bell)/Outcall *MAJOR CREDIT CARDS*)
Intrested In..?..~*~DoUbLe the PlEaSuRe - SPECIAL RIGHT NOW ONLY~*~ In-Call - 22
(Phx North, west valley)
It's My Birthday... YAY!!!! ___ Since I Don't Have Candles, Can I Use Yours To Make A Wish?! - 29
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave.)
💜Incall Specials✨BAMBI💄💎Blue Eyed Goddess 🌹🌺💄All natural 36fs... I'm waiting❤✨💎💍 - 23
(I17 and peoria, Phoenix, Phx North)
Interested in making 3500 a week!? I need 6 young energetic ladies between the ages of 18-24 - 28
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)