Tue 07 Jan
Beautiful Brunette Companion Available for Incall in South Scottsdale and Outcall. Great Reviews! - 24
Mon 06 Jan
I am running a Super Sexy Super blowUaway Special that well leave you breathles XXXtras Incld4$175 - 34
(Old-town / Scottsdale)
**70 Rose Special**Hot Hawaiian/French Mixx**100% REAL PICS** - 23
(East Valley, incall Tempe/ Mesa)
2 Hott, Sexxy, Native Girls - $80Quick Visit Incall! Only 1 Night in Phoenix .i17 Incall / Outcall - 27
(Phoenix, i17, Incall / Outcall)
💋*1 NiGhT ONLy 🍉100% Real Pics 🍑JuiCy BoOTy🍑 §eXy PeTiTe LATiNA 👌PerKy NEW BoObs👌 $100 SpeCiaLS! 💋🍒🍌 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, South Scottsdale Incall Only)
* _1_0_0____ * UPSCALE INCALL specials * ____ (( VISITING )) *__ come to me or I CAN TRAVEL 2 U ! - 25
(UPSCALE private incall! 32nd st & 10 frw)
Wanna Have a "Holly"Jolly XXX-Mas?Then Call Mea Savannah Leigh,I've Been A Very Naughty Girl ! 24/7 - 34
(Old-town / Scottsdale)
WaRm TiGhT & WeT _LOoK_ FrEaKy EBoNY HoTTiE_LOoK_ AvAiLaBLe NoW
(( ( SwEeT & SeXy ) )) - (( ( BeAuTiFuL & BuStY ) ))--**--2 GIRL SPECIAL!!! - 22
(Phoenix Outcals to you!)
Sexy GFE Companion With Great Reviews and Great Rates! Incall and Outcall Available. - 24
SeXy LiL GiRl NeXt dOOr **SPECIALS** All+Real /All+Fun/ All+Yours AMAZINGLy SkiLLed PerFecTLy Petite - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C* Your Place ;) I/C* Central Phx)
New Pics! Extended Special 4 Real Pleasure Seekers Tried Of The Risky Bussiness? Stress Free InCalls - 37
(East Valley, Indian School & 32st Nice Posh Location)
Multi cups Encouraged. I am a True PLEASER. Let me show you !Outcall Hotel & residential
(Incall Outcall)
Lets have sum fun tonight ! Whats your fantasy ? TGTBT Hot kitten- Must email for HOT special
(Incall outcall hotel & residential)
I am still UP U Wanna B? Yes Up and still FEELING Frisky,Got a late start today But am READY TO GO!l - 33
Beautiful Brunette Companion with Stellar Reviews on TER. Incall and Outcall Available.
Beautiful Brunette with Stellar Reviews and Great Rates! Incall and Outcall Available. - 24
(South Scottsdale Incall/ Outcall)
>>=> Sexxy Exxotic Native Beauty Incalls $80 Special, i17 / Dunlap Outcalls Valleywide - 27
(Phoenix i17 / Dunlap Incall / Outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
★★★★★ Vip★★★★★ Lea Scott💎💎 Exotic★★★★★ - 20
(Phoenix, West Valley, ★★★★★ W Valley Incalls💎Scottsdale)
★★★★★ Vip★★★★★ Lea Scott💎💎 Exotic★★★★★ 80 special now - 20
(Phoenix, Tempe Area incalls, West Valley)
Sexy Brunette Bombshell - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, I17- Mcdowell (INCALL/OUTCALL), Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR Bo0ty!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *UPSCALE & DiSCREET* - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, tempeASU/scottsdale IN/OUTcalls all over)
( 100% ReAl ) ♥ToP NoTcH ♥ SmOkIn HoT ♥ BuStY PlAyMaTe ♥ ( 100% HoNeSt ) - 24
100 OutCall = WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} CURVES {T:H:I:C:K} # 1 Party Girl (I-17 & DUNLAP - 21
((OutCalls) All Over (InCall) i-17 DUNLAP)
Leaving Soon!!__ _ _ S_ _ _ e__ _ x_ _ y_ _ _ _ _ K__ r_ _ y _ s_ _ t__ a_ _ _ l_ _ _ _LEAVING soon - 21
F U C K LiKe @ PORN ST@R _____P@RtY LiKe @ ROCK ST@R __ He@D LiKE @ SUPERSTAR - 31
♥ [ HAWAIIAN ] ♥ [ FILIPINO ] ♥ [ SEXY ] ♥ [ TREAT ] ♥ - 20
(East Valley, Tempe Incalls @ mills)
-:- Curvy & B O O T Y -:- Exotic Beauty |:| S P E C i A L S |:| Ready N O W-:- - 23
(oldtown scottsdale{in&outcalls;})
Sat 04 Jan
Private Residence NORTH PHX.. clean .. Discreet.. Specials.. - 22
(PRIVATE INCALL NORTH PHX outcalls everyw)
Mature/Sexy S Q U I R T I N G Redheaded MILF *South Scottsdale location - 42
(East Valley, McDowell and the 101 (South Scottsdale))
🦄🦄🦄 L E G A L L Y 😇😇 BLONDE🦄🦄🦄 ⭕️RIENTAL 🎀🔮🎀 DREAM COME TRUE 💄💄🔮🎀🔮 - 19
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale)
----{ I enjoy the company of discrete gentlemen }------ Available allday {Quality over Quantity } - 26
(incall and outcall-hotel & residential)
i love 2 party ☠ WARNING ☠ {Big B(O)(O)TY} Panties & DANGEROUS CURVES {T:H:I:C:K} - 21
(NORTH PHX / OutCalls all over)
Call For More Info... Warm Lotion..Warm Company...FULL Body Massage... A All American Women
☆° 100% Real PhoToS°☆° BiG boOty°☆° Blonde°☆° SPECiALS All niGht - 22
(East Valley, East phx off the 202 and 32ndst)
$100 ####**Sierra** #### 602.577.3850 #### **SLIPPERY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY** #### $100 - 25
(East Valley, East Valley Outcalls $100)
► 100% PuRE PLeaSuRE 100% REAL FuN ◄ * SeXy FReaK FoR YoU* 60/100/150 SPECIALS - 22
••••• (($100((( * ---------•••••• B O M B S H E L L ------ * ••••••H O T T I E ° ••••••READY NOW - 24
(Phx North, s c o t t s d a l e.. incall)
It's Fillin'ME Up Friday&I;'m So Thristy Good 2 The LAST DROP& I promise Not 2 Spill 2X'S $180/247 - 34
☆° ❤ FLiGHT TO ✈ (¯` °SATiSFACTiON° ´¯) ✈ BOARDiNG NOW!!! - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, scottsdale/tempe IN/OUTcalls all over)
Fri 03 Jan
Sexy Brunette Companion Available for Incall in South Scottsdale or Outcall to Your Place.
(Incall and Outcall)
- - - I F - - - Y O U - - - S E E K - - - A U D R E Y - - - Captivating and Seductive Beauty. - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Incalls Scottsdale, Outcalls to YOU!)
HuGe PeRfeCt TiTs ★ PeRfEcT KiTtY ★ AmAziNg RoUnD BoOtY ★ NORTH PHX - 21
(i17 & Thunderbird (O/C) All Over)
Great game tonight ! Incall or outcall available. biltmore & camelback 225 special tonight. - 26
(Incall OUTCALL Specials Tonight • User first posted August 2009)
Sweet Like Honey ** Fabulous CuRvEs , & Sexy as Ever !! Demi has your Hemi!! - 44
(West Valley, 53rd ave & Peoria or O/C is Available)
Sexy Mature Redheaded who knows how to treat a man - 42
(East Valley, McDowell and the 101 (South Scottsdale))
*****SEXY***** Latin/ ITALIAN Sweetheart ((((((( READY for YOU ))))))) - 28
(Phoenix, 7th street and Cave Creek)
Sexy Brunette Companion Available for Incall and Outcall. Great TER Reviews. @New Rates@
(Incall and Outcall)
Great game tonight ! Incall or outcall available. biltmore & camelback 225 special tonight. - 26
(Incall OUTCALL Specials Tonight • User first posted August 2009)
Cute, Sexy Couple - Hot MFM Fun- Great Reviews - Phoenix downtown-Incall - 46
(downtown Phoenix- In, Valleywide Out)
Classy Exotic, Fun and real. TER reviewed . Available for gentlemen to enjoy- 100 % independent - 26
(incall outcall hotel & residential)
Are you a Headcase? Need a Headdoctor? Don't worry the Leigh IsIN! XXX-inning 4$175 - 33
Thu 02 Jan
SPECIALS ★ HuGe PeRfeCt TiTs ★ PrEtTy KiTtY ★ RoUnD BoOtY ★ Love 2 Party - 21