Sat 04 Jan
💋💋💋💋 K I N K Y - E R O T I C & & E X O T I C tired of the fakes try mimi👑 💄💄💄 💋💋💋💋y - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, Scottsdale in call / out calls to you)
*°* I PLaY VeRy NiCELy WiTh BoYS*°* ExOTiC BaRBiE *°* AVAiLABLE NOW - 19
(Central Phoenix/Downtown)
***AVAILABLE NOW***HoT & SexY ItaLiaN MiLf *** !!!!!! - 39
(East Valley, Tempe/Airport/Chandler/Mesa)
$60 T_H_E_ _B_E_S_T_ _T_H_I_N_G__ »»(ON)«« __T_H_E _ P_A_G_E a sexy ebony vixen - 20
(phoenix- upscale metro center incall)
💄💖💄●■👄■👄■● 🎀$160 Flat Rate 🌷 🎀 🌷480~610~5663 🎀●■👄■👄■●💄💖💄 - 32
(ALMA SCHOOL RD. / 202 FREEWAY, East Valley, Phoenix)
1 O O%_..DRoP DeAD GoRGeOUS -->AVAILABLE NOW *THese other girls DONT have what i DO - 24
(incall// scottsdale)
••••• (($100((( * ---------•••••• B O M B S H E L L ------ * ••••••H O T T I E ° ••••••READY NOW - 24
(Phx North, s c o t t s d a l e.. incall)
▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐ SWEET ▐🌸💟🌸BUSTY CHINESE GIRL ▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐NEW IN TOWN ▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐🌸💟🌸 - 22
(East Valley, East Valley Scottsdale, Phoenix)
»-❤-» NEW Signature EBONY VIP Companion ☆ NEW PICS ~~ - 21
^^%%^MORninG WOOD? 120hr GEntS WILLING and READY for YOU to come to me INCALL baby - 24
(East Valley, tempe (my home) baseline and hardy)
LeT Me EnD Ur NIghT thE rIghT wAy...!i!GrEat specials - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, North Valley I17)
Its Getting Hot Out There, So Take Off All Your Clothes! 602-413-2334 Ask for Shelby - 35
(32nd st/Oak)
🔥Hot Spicy Seductive Blonde👸🏼 Ready For Fun👙 Let's Play Baby💋 - 20
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Airport)
" Headed to Vegas Sunday" Better Grab Some before it's GonE!! - 33
(Phx North, 16th st & bell rd and valleywide)
@ CHoCoLate CoVerD NyMPhO iS HaVInG A pArTy In HER pAnTIeS & EvEry OnE iS iN InVitEd UNZiP & ReLaX - 31
Are You Looking For A 34"B 25" 33" Hella Fine Hard Body That Would Love To Fill Your FANTASIES. - 35
(Phoenix InOutcall 47th ave Bethony Home)
Fri 03 Jan
YoUr BeSt ChOiCe, SaMaNtHa, InSaTiAbLe, ClAsSy, EvEn MoRe StUnNiNg In PeRsOn 1oo%ReAl - 33
(East Valley)
-*-*-*- Take an EXOTIC TRIP with Your TOUR GUIDE Leaving for Many Lands Today!!! -*-*-*- - 38
(My private condo - N. Scottsdale off 101)
_:***~** $$$$ SPECIALS $$$$ BUSTY EXOTIC with Nice ASSets ***~**:_ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, N. Scottsdale Rd & 202, 702 502 8288)
sexy brunette bombshell. amazing body, and 100% real in every way! - 22
(East Valley, Scottsdale, mesa, and pinal county)
*~* Sexy Blonde Barbie *~* *GFE PROVIDER!!* (She is Working with the Police Department) - 22
(Scottsdale Jail Facility)
*~* Sexy Blonde Barbie *~* *GFE PROVIDER!!* ((TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!)) SCAMMMM - 22
(Scottsdale Jail Facility)
MISTY is mature, busty(all natural 44DD's), skilled, well reviewed, affordable lady who will relax u - 50
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe)
Hungry?? Try a Little Pc. of Me--Sweetest Thing You've Ever Seen or Tasted! New in Phx - 27
:*¨¨*: California Girl Next door *:.♥ READY 2 PLAY:!!*¨¨*:: ::*¨¨*: - 20
(scottsdale- in-out call)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 120 GFE Special 60 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * * * Amazing Blonde* * * - 22
(Incall / Chandler/I-10 Ray rd.)
~ $100 incall specials MY LQQKS are guaranteed or your money back!! 602 578 0893 - 26
(scottsdale outcall/incall)
⭐✴⭐Your Great Night Treat Starts Here ⭐✴⭐ - 24
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale in call / out calls to you)
⭐✴⭐Your Sexy Good Night Treat Starts Here ⭐✴⭐Last Night - 24
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale in call / out calls to you)
⭐✴⭐Your Evening Treat Starts Here ⭐✴⭐ - 24
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale in call / out calls to you)
Sexy Jenna @&@& HOT AND SEXY latina/mix @&@&@ 80 specials - 21
(East Valley, tempe off 1-10 baseline)
*★ Sexy Little Minx W/ Great Reviews! ★* - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, IC Airport AreaOC Valleywide)
out call only special $150 (=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=HoT=)) °★©° °o&©°[ bLoNnD - 36
(East Valley, gilbert 85233)
Let's Swap Scottsdale! , Vibrant, Playful & Undeniably Sexy! In/Out call - 23
(Phx North, Scottsdale Rd. And Indian Bend)
Lets Get Acquainted ... I Wanna Make Your Face My Throne ...... 80 Incalls & 150 Outcalls - 37
~♥~ HAVE A FANTASIC FRIDAY With The Ultimate MILF - Sweet and Sexy - TER ~♥~ - 38
(My private condo N. Scottsdale)
Cute, Sexy Couple - Hot MFM Fun- Great Reviews - Phoenix downtown-Incall - 46
(downtown Phoenix- In, Valleywide Out)
Thu 02 Jan
~~~ Visiting~~~ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) GINA (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) - 40
(Central/South Phoenix, Scottsdale area and surrounding)
*********T A T T O O S & C U R V E S ****** 1/2 hour outcall special!!!!!! ******* - 21
(( PLaYFuL SxXxY HoTTie )) ✰ (( WET N REAdy FOR YOu )) ✰ (( REAL PiCS )) SpECIALS - 22
(I/C US 60 & DOBSON * {Valleywide} O/C)