Mon 06 Jan
(Central/South Phoenix, N Phoenix & Surr Area DISCREET OUTCALLS)
*)(* Running Specials FiERY HOT LATiNO *)(* READY, WiLLiNG, && CAPABLE Running Specials*)(* - 20
(Mesa, AZ)
:: P R E T T Y :: ___ :: G i r l :: ___ :: N E X T :: ___ :: D O O R :: New Pics ! 60special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, central phx new discreet ic)
**** Beautiful Blonde!** * Gorgeous *Athletic *** Busty * Goddess* l **** - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, VALLEYWIDE OUTCALL, central phx incall)
Sun 05 Jan
VIP TREATMENT! ➡️ Full body 🎀 strap 🎀 pro state 🎀butt worship _____ ready now!! ARE YOU?! - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, SR 51/ camelback 🏡🏡 discreet!)
NEW‼️ the Puuurfect Latina Mix 💎💃 💎M@KiN N0iSe n EnGliSh & Sp@NiSh❗vip playmate 💎💋💎 - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Discreet 💋OUTCALLS TO ENTIRE VALLEY AREA)
❥ █▒█♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »-♥-» B▒R▒U▒N▒E▒T▒T▒E ♥█▒█ ❥ Last chance phx ! 60special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, central phx new discreet ic)
50$/60$/80$ AZz So PhAt StOps TraFFic 50$/60$/80$ INCALL ONLY - 23
(West Valley, Glendale/Laveen/Tempe/Mesa)
$Fifty buck$ $Sixty buck$ rtw . .Patricia . .623-329-5501 NEW # 83rd Ave & McDowell - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 83rd ave and McDowell)
@> @> Let Me Use My Feminine Wiles - Seductive Goddess for Discerning Gentlemen
(7th Street -Thunderbird /Cactus Rd)
⎛ My Fourth Day of Independence ⎠ ⇰ Sexy -= RED =- w/ New Pictures - 37
(IN - N. Scottsdale / OUT- V W / NEW GIRL)
Sat 04 Jan
* * * Tantralizing Oasis of Calm - Ask about the Early Bird Special * * * - 51
(7th Street -Thunderbird /Cactus Rd)
New2Area*Mexican *Puerto Rican* Black-$100 SpEiCaLs ** InCalls ONLY - - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, 67th Glendale (Discreet Residence))
===== Monday Fun Day === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, My Discreet Place Phx/Tempe or Yours)
💕💕 CaSeY RaE SWeeTs 💕💕💕💕💕💕 Blonde Hottie 💕💕💕💕 VISITING from ALASKA - 26
(Phx North, central city / airport)
>. >. COOL Tantralizing Oasis of Calm - Ask about the Early Bird Special
(7th Street -Thunderbird /Cactus Rd)
Fri 03 Jan
★ _T _H _E ☆ _F _U _N _ ★ S _T _A _R _T S ☆ H_ E _R _ E_ ★ - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, outcall only-no exceptions-very discreet)
*Special* Tantralizing Goddess for Discerning Gentlemen Only - 51
(7th Street -Thunderbird /Cactus Rd)
❥ █▒█♥ GoRGeOuS »-♥-» PeTiTe »-♥-» BRuNeTTe ♥█▒█ ❥ 60special - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, central phx new discreet ic)
DREAM C♥ME tRUE! Petite, discreet and fun:) *[ViSitiNG CENtrAL PhX]* - 19
(East Valley, CENTRAL PHX)
==== Monday Night Specials === Sexy Blonde Bombshell From Next Door ========== ============= - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, My Discreet Place in Scottsdale or Yours)
Thu 02 Jan
New to Scottsdale Great Reviews, Exclusive, Discreet, appts from 4pm on available today - 40
(Phoenix, Phx North)
_____________ ☆ ____ BUSTY______ BRUNETTE____ STALLION !! ☆ ____________ - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Upscale Discreet Tempe Incalls & Out-)