Thu 02 Jan
$80 specials!💋❤️Exotic ~ Green-eyed &THICK..Ready;!!❤️💋 - 25
(East Valley, East valley/Phx East Phx)
60/80/160 I/C specials!💋❤️🍭🍬Exotic ~ Green-eyed &THICK..Ready;!!❤️💋🍭🍬 - 25
(East Valley, East valley Tempe Scottsdale East Phx)
*60*eArly mOrNiNg Ebony Treat! *60*Specialz *60* W/ Sexii Petite GFE Goddess *60* - 21
$75!! Brandy 35 year old ready to please! GFE/sensual massage 602.320.6083 Incall or Outcall - 29
(Phoenix area)
**$70*$70*$70** SEXY SEDUCTIVE WEDNESDAY SPECIAL* incall/ outcall today - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, DOWNTOWN PHOENIX)
::** 100% ReAL Or iiT's FrEe ::** UpScALe ::** DiScReEt ::** CLaSsY ::** InDePeNdEnT ::** SaTiSFyiNg - 25
(Phx North, KaTT * 602*348*8603)
**!!100% Authentic 5🌟 Caramel Skin Vixen, Highly reviewed..**SPECIAL!!** - 21
(East Valley, East Valley (PHX/Scottsdale/Mesa/Tempe))
❤100% REAL!❤ *ExXclusive Upscale Provider* ★60 In Special!★ Outcalls Available! - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix Incall & Outcall)
$100 OuTcAll sPeciAL VIP..HOtt & seXxi. LeTs HaVe SoMe FUnn! OUT CaLL aSk aBouT my GirlFriE - 36
(East Valley, Gilbert..east valley..)
$100 Out call..looking to plesae u baby...hott and sexy lexxi - 36
(East Valley, Gilbert..east valley..)