- Post ID : 3762157
- Poster's age : 25
- City : Phoenix
- Address : 2 IN-CALL Locations/OUT-CALL Valley Wide
~^~SExY ~^~BLoND~^~BABE ~^~GETS~^~ YoUR~^~BLooD~^~ PUMPING~^~ - 30
Posted : Sunday, January 05, 2025 02:24 PM | 3 views
~^~Feel the Molly Touch~^~ ~^~602.334.4303~^~ Swedish: Swedish massage is what we currently think of when we hear the word "massage." It is a form of massage designed to induce relaxation, and consists of gliding, kneading or tapping strokes on lubricated skin. Based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, Swedish massage is used for anything from general relaxation, healing muscular injuries to improving joint mobility and range of motion. This form of massage arose in the late 1800s and has formed the basis of many modalities of massage created in the past 100 years. Sessions can be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, and can include integration with other modalities.
Acupressure: Based on the meridian energy theory of traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure sees illness and disease and physical manifestations of blocked or disrupted energy flow. All life flows through with a universal life energy qi. Humans, plants, animals as well as our environment are infused with qi. Within humans, the energy flow follows certain patterns (meridians) and specific points can be stimulated to regulate the flow of energy. In acupressure, massage therapists work on the meridians with their fingers and hands, and work specific points by applying finger pressure. Acupressure can relieve almost any kind of physical symptom in the body, from headaches, nausea, cramping, digestion problems, coughs and aches, to emotional distress such as depression, anxiety, nervousness. The slow, gentle rhythm of acupressure can induce deep relaxation especially when used in conjunction with other modalities.Call Molly Tantric Massage: Has been practiced for over 5000 years. This ancient art from the East is said to calm the organs as well as the mind. Once we discover how to turn off the mind we open ourselves up to a whole new sensual world where the way we feel takes precedence over the way we think. The bodys natural healing process works at its best when the mind is disengaged. Removing logical thought allows a heavenly peace to enter our being, this peaceful energy removes negative stress from each part of the body. Tantric Massage leads us towards peace and then releases us into a state of bliss. When the body is nurtured and pampered the spirit also gathers strength. As Tantric Massage transforms our sexual energy into a force that is positive, other areas of our lives are affected in positive ways. When the body is fulfilled, the mind makes more efficient decisions.
Tantric Massage is a full body sensual massage. When the pleasure receptors in the body are engaged, our inner awareness expands. Our fulfillment is deeper than before, we understand and respect the needs of our body. According to Mantak Chia, (the master responsible for bringing this esoteric practice to a modern Western audience) Tantric Massage sends the mind into hibernation, the space created is where the repair of body and mind takes place. Tantric Massage gives power to the body because it understands the natural rhythm that is within every individual. Our inner self and sensuality craves attention. At first we find it difficult to relax and surrender to pleasure, at first we feel that loss of control will render us weak. But a deeper inner strength emerges when we experience honor and respect for our inner self. Massage stokes can be done fast or slow, but in terms of their effect, the slower, the better! The reason for this is that the natural response to touch by the nervous system, is to see if this is a treat. Once you allow time for the nervous system to establish that you are in no harm, and in safe hands, true relaxation can occur.
Available 24/7 Reflexology: A good foot rub can be incredible relaxing. Reflexology is a modality that is based on the theory that there are places on the feet and hands that correspond to places all over the body. Working the corresponding parts of the feet or hands affects balance and change to that area. Reflexology energy theory maintains that there are 10 zones in the hands and feet, and work on those zones can positively affect the energy flow to other areas of the body facilitating healing and balance throughout the entire body. My focus is on foot reflexology. Generally, a foot reflexology session lasts 40-60 minutes; however, some reflexology techniques can easily be integrated into general massage session, and work well addressing specific complaints of broader issues.
10 years experience Neuromuscular Therapy: Developed early in the 20th century, Trigger Point Theory asserts that small spots in muscles can refer pain out to other areas when pressed and these referral areas form patterns which allows the therapist to locate and work the trigger points. Relief of the trigger points can take place through compression, stretching, deep friction and vibration. Because this therapy usually entails some discomfort and pain on the part of the patient, NMT is often used within a longer session, and is only used specifically for 15 minutes or less in the session.
First Timers, Out-of-Towners, Everyone is Welcome Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Head and Neck): Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, repetitive strokes to facilitate the functioning of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic fluids drain in specific flows throughout the body; symptoms such as congestion and edema can be eased through this technique, where those fluids are moved into the normal patterns for drainage into the lymph system. This modality moves fluids proximal to distal in order to clear the lymph passageways closer to the lymph nodes before attempting to push distal fluids into the tissue. MLD works well on sinus issues, allergies and other forms of congestion around the head and neck.
Feel Free to Call Molly Anytime at 602.334.4303 This is NOT masturbation, I do not sell sexual services, it is bodywork incorporating all pressure points and using ancient tantric and taoist techniques.
Benefits of massage: My Tantric massage stokes are done very slowly and sensuously to allow you to explore your senses and become fully present in your whole body, it incorporates all your senses, from your sense of sound, smell, imagination, to your sense of touch. A blissful feeling of relaxation is produced; this in turn helps reduce the effects of stress allowing the heart rate and respiration to drop and reducing blood pressure. Increased circulation is another benefit of tantric massage which allows more oxygen and nutrients to your whole body, as well as stimulating the movement of lymph fluid thus detoxifying waste products from the body. During your tantric massage another benefit is that the release of endorphins is stimulated, the body's natural 'feel good' chemicals, which also allow a sense of well being, pain relief and levels of stress chemicals such as cortisol and noradrenalin these are reduced, so as well as a physical contentment, our tantric therapy massage will leave your mind and spirit rejuvenated too. My sessions are confidential!
Yes - everything about your session, from your medical information, what happened in the session, to the fact that you came to see me is confidential. I'm often working on friends or acquaintances - and I'm often asked, "So-and-so told me she was coming to see you last week. How did the session go?" In those cases, I tell the person who asked that she should check in with so-and-so to see how the session went, and that I don't like to comment on what happened in session with anyone outside the session room. This is all to say that if you ask me how my session went with someone you know, I'm definitely trying to be elusive by not answering the question specifically. Just remember that this means I keep your session confidential as well.
Poster's age: 30
• Location: 2 IN-CALL Locations/OUT-CALL Valley Wide
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