Mon 27 Jan
160 OUTCALL SPECIAL.100% well worth the donation Leave you feeling amazing!!!!!!!!!!! - 21
(Baseline and Country club AREA, East Valley, Phoenix)
****..$.125 ** ** SpEcIaL !! *** BuStY *** BLoNdE *** SecReTarY ** GoNe ** WILD!! - 47
(East Valley, East Valley / Baseline and country club)
Sexy Super Super Busty Beauty, 36GGG .Till 9pm..I MOVED! - 32
(540 West Broadway, Mesa suite 108, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sat 11 Jan
****** THE *** $$100** SPECIAL ** IS BaCk ** !!!!. * **.BusTy ~MILF ~ Secretary *** Gone Wild !!!!!! - 47
(East Valley, Country club n 60)
Fri 10 Jan
ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ Service░ 🍭👙# ❶ LATINA PLAYMATE🍓 - 20
(Baseline and country club, East Valley, Phoenix)
Thu 09 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Specials!❤️ DNT waste your ⏰ With Anything Less💎Personal Pocahontas 🚨 🚨NEW PICS🚨🚨 2148171828 - 20
(East Valley, East Valley~ Baseline and Country Club, Phoenix)
60🌹 Incall SPECIAL.100% well worth the donation Leave you feeling amazing!!!!!!!!!!! - 21
(Baseline and Country club AREA, East Valley, Phoenix)
****♥♥NeW PiCs! *♥♥* LEAVING IN 3 DAYS!! ♥*♥ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe!! *** ♥** DoNt mIsS OuT!!!*♥*♥*** - 23
(East Valley, Country club and baseline)
Sun 05 Jan
**..$.100 ** PoSt -- PaRtY ** SpEciAL!!! ** BuStY, SecReTaRY ** UP * ALL * NITE
(East Valley, East Valley / Baseline and country club)
Sat 04 Jan
🌟🌸Just because I'm Cute💁🏻😘😘 Doesn't mean I have innocence .🌸Beautiful 🌸🌟Gorgeous🌟🌸Upscale 🌸Bombshell - 20
(Country club and baseline, East Valley, Phoenix)
**..$.125 ** PoSt --.NeW ** YrS ** SpEciAL!!! ** BuStY, SecReTaRY ** UP * ALL * NITE< - 47
(East Valley, East Valley / Baseline and country club)
****♥♥NeW PiCs! *♥♥* GREAT $pecials!!!! ♥*♥ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe!! *** ♥** LeAvInG SoOn!!!*♥*♥*** - 23
(East Valley, Country club and baseline)
Fri 03 Jan
💋❤️💕😘 60 🌷 SPECIALS Sexy Native Goddess at your SERVICE😘💕❤️💋 - 20
$$125 ** SPECIAL !!! ** CoMpLeTe PaMpeRiNg !!!!. * HOT **.BusTy ~MILF ~ !!!!!! - 47
(East Valley, Country club n 60)
**..$.100 ** NeW * YeArS ** SpEciAL!!! ** BuStY, SecReTaRY **IN ** & ** OUT - 47
(East Valley, East Valley / Baseline and country club)
Thu 02 Jan