- Poster's age : 23
- Mobile :
- City : Phoenix
- Location : 47th Street & Thomas Just off the 202
X ღ X ღ X perience X ღ X ღ X Charming Charlie - 34
Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 10:13 AM | 2 views
If U Haven't Seen Charlie,
U Haven't XღXღXperienced XღXღXstacy!
Pick Up The Phone & Call Me!
There's Only 2 Thing's U'll Regret
1. U Didn't Come Sooner!
2. That U Have 2 Leave & Go Home!
I would luv 2 show U what I do best!
I cater 2 Ur desires. Submissive by natural.
Charlie Charming 602ღ472ღ9948
A mature, sincere, experienced woman who still blushes.
That is a rare find . . . . an escort that can still blush.
What a charming - refreshing combination of qualities.
*:✰:* Charlie,(602)472-9948 *:✰:*
*:✰:* *:✰:*
All-natural 38DDDs .
I Have Soft, Luscious, Oh So Kissable Lips. The 1st time U kiss them -
U will B hooked.
Oh . . . did I mention that I am still as tight as a teenager.
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